800 Moruca residents access potable water for 1st time
For the first time, some 800 residents of Moruca have received access to potable water following the commissioning of the Five Miles and Seven Miles Water Supply Systems and the upgrading of the Karaburi Water Supply System in Region One (Barima-Waini).
Housing and Water Minister, Collin Croal (center), enjoys water from the new system at Seven Miles.
GWI’s in-house team undertook the drilling of the new wells and the construction of the new water systems in collaboration with the village council where $30 million was expended for the two new systems and the upgrade and expansion of the Karaburi Water Supply System. Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal at the ceremonial the ribbon cutting to commission the wells emphasised the significance of this achievement. According to him it as a tangible fulfilment of the government’s promise to enhance water supply, a commitment made during the 2020 election campaign.
“You have a government that is working hard to ensure everyone has a better life and an equal level of service,” Croal said.
Further, he highlighted that potable water coverage in Region One stood at 38% in 2020, rising to 79% by the end of 2023 through heavy investments from the Dr. Irfaan Ali-led Government. Croal mentioned that the coverage is projected to surpass 90 per cent by the end of 2024.
Meanwhile, the minister also reminded that in 2024, a total of $1.5 billion was budgeted for drilling at least 40 wells in the hinterland in relation to this he stated that some 25 of these wells will be drilled in Region One with an investment exceeding $700 million. Some of the areas to benefit include Santa Cruz, Warapoka, Kokerite, Barima Koriabo and Hotoquai.
In attempts to foster conservation the Regional Vice-Chairperson, in her remarks, emphasised the significance of water conservation and responsible usage to the residents, urging them to utilize the newly established water systems with care to ensure their long-term sustainability. (G2)