Leasing of aircraft to operate US, Canada routes

Dear Editor,
I came across a post by Victor Singh, writing that “President Irfaan Ali on Wednesday floated the idea of convincing the Private Sector to explore the leasing of aircraft to transport persons to and from the United States (US) and Canada, because existing carriers are charging exorbitant airfares.”
Let me first commend President Irfaan Ali for such an insightful, innovative business idea (many of these innovative ideas, taken cumulatively, cause a free-market economy to evolve, leading to greater economic efficiency nationwide). Let me then ask His Excellency President Ali to move from “floating the idea” to actually convening a potential group of local business executives to seriously explore the idea.
Maybe the initiative should not be limited to local businesses, but should also be extended to overseas Guyanese business people who have somewhat of a foot in Guyana. Fares are outrageous! On a personal level, I was planning to visit Guyana for a relative’s wedding on August 13, but I called it off due to the unconscionably exorbitant fares demanded.
Don’t forget that visiting Guyanese increase consumption and foreign exchange, both increasing GDP; and that spearheading such a move would only be great for Guyana.

Dev Persaud