High rainfall predicted for Nov-Jan – Hydromet Office

…advises citizens to secure crops, maintain drainage networks

The Hydrometeorological Service of the Agriculture Ministry has forecast wetter-than-usual weather conditions across the country between November 2022 and January 2023.

The Doppler weather tower at Timehri

The secondary rainy season period will be boosted by persistent La Niña conditions. Rainfall is expected to increase considerably from mid-November and continue to at least January 2023.
A notice from the Hydromet Office predicted that during the upcoming rainy season, water levels in conservancies, reservoirs, and inland rivers across Regions One to Eight and 10 are likely to increase with a high risk of flooding. On the other hand, Region Nine would continue to be dry, but can expect more than the usual number of rain days.
“The highest amount of rainfall is projected for Regions One, Two, Three, Seven and Northern Eight with increasing concerns for Regions Four and Nine,” it advised.
Meanwhile, Regions One to Seven and 10 can expect a higher-than-usual number of wet days. Northern Regions can expect increases in the number of seven-day very wet spells. There is also a projection for a decrease in the number of seven-day dry spells during the forecast period, with most dry days and dry spells likely to occur in early November 2022 and late January 2023.
The temperature outlook indicates that all regions can expect cool as usual to cooler night-time and day-time temperatures.
“The possible implications for the upcoming season include more rain days than the usual amount which could be beneficial to some agriculture users. However, this is likely to cause disruptions to infrastructure projects and public transport, with there being the real possibility of land slippage in hinterland areas, especially in mining areas, where the soil may already be saturated.”
The continued maintenance of drainage infrastructure is essential as the country progresses towards the wet season, it has been noted. Farmers were urged to take all the necessary precautions to secure crops and livestock in advance of significant rainfall events. Miners are also similarly cautioned to exercise maximum care on interior roads and on mining sites, while the applicable public health protocols should be activated across the Regions.
“The Hydrometeorological Service will provide updates to its seasonal forecast as new information becomes available and recommends that special attention be paid to short-range forecasts provided by the National Weather Watch Centre to plan daily activities,” the statement assured.
For short-range forecasts and weather analyses, stakeholders are advised to follow the daily weather briefs, outlooks and advisories produced by the National Weather Watch Centre or visit www.hydromet.gov.gy. The forecast desk could also be reached at 261-2284 or 261-2216.