Teen crushed to death by truck he was repairing

Ronaldo Henry, called “Greg”, was on Tuesday crushed by a truck he was repairing in Matthews Ridge, North West District, Region One (Barima-Waini).
Reports are that the 18-year-old was working under the truck at around midday on Tuesday when the vehicle unexpectedly collapsed, trapping him underneath. He was pulled out therefrom and transported to the Pekera Hospital in the community, but succumbed shortly afterwards.

Dead: Ronaldo Henry

Family members revealed that Henry had earlier that day boarded the truck in Baramita, as it was destined for Port Kaituma, carrying goods. The vehicle experienced mechanical issues during the journey, and broke down in Matthews Ridge.
A relative of the young man recounted the tragic incident by stating, “He was underneath it fixing something when it fell on him.” Despite prompt efforts to rescue him and transport him to the hospital, Henry lost his life within minutes.
As investigations into the incident are currently underway, the community mourns the loss of Henry, whom they remember as a vibrant young individual. (G9)