Venezuela’s incursion into Guyana’s territorial space

Dear Editor,
Venezuela’s incursion into Guyana’s territorial space came about as a result of Maduro’s viewing of Trump’s humiliation of President Zelensky as an opportunity to force President Ali into an agreement of sorts, to cede portions of Guyana’s territory to Venezuela.
Lest Maduro becomes overambitious, that which he is attempting to ask just will not happen. Maduro would have seen Trump’s handling of the Zelensky Summit and in that regard, thought within himself that here’s a grand opportunity to see if he can get a favourable hearing as well.
But here’s the problem, Trump can browbeat Zelensky into a corner, because, (a) Ukraine has been a burden on the West in not contributing anything to the alliance, only standing at the end of billions in monetary grants and military hardware from NATO Countries. Trump is concerned about this, and (b) Ukraine was a part of The Soviet Union, so, in negotiating a peace deal, Zelensky has to take into consideration all of the above. His position is precarious and as such he must come to the table willing and able to give up something.
In Guyana’s Case, we were never and will never be a part of Venezuela, further, we have an International Arbitral Peace Treaty since 1899, neither are we are at war, something Maduro would like to drag us into, so, we do not have to hammer out a peace deal!
But in all of this Maduro has put his foot in his mouth, for the simple fact that if he thinks that he could attack and destroy an American Mega Investment such as ExxonMobil, without dire consequences, then he needs to think again. No American President, at least not Trump, in his wildest dreams would bow to a lowly Maduro against American interests here in Guyana; it just wouldn’t happen!

The Venezuelan matter is before the ICJ who will make a definitive ruling shortly. We have dealt with more serious aggression from Suriname, and that was settled amicably, so, in similar fashion we will address the Venezuelan Issue.

Yours sincerely,
Neil Adams