Dear Editor,
It is said, history repeats itself, and this is what we see unfolding right before our very eyes. We heard that clarion call from some certain sections of the populace, “We want change,” that was before 2015. A time when we were told that the treasury was bankrupted by The PPP/C Government and there was rampant corruption all over the country, facilitated by The PPP/C and its cronies. We were told that our country was in dangerous hands and we must make a change now to save Guyana from further harm and ignominy.
Around this same time there was the trumpeting of promises, yes, promises of “A Good Life,” when everything would be randy dandy and where this country would reach nirvana. Nice sounding words and great promises, some fell for it and in came the Good Life Coalition, instead of fulfillment of their promises we witness a series of boldfaced cronyism and crass ineptitude on the part of the ruling elite.
First on their list of duties, was to raid the treasury, the very same treasury they claim was empty. The Coalition raised their salaries by 50% while at the same time forced 200 new taxes on the people they were supposed to help. They built nothing, well, a slight correction, they built Voodoo Stadium at Durban Park, to this day we cannot audit the millions that were accrued to it. It was a situation of a Coalition immediately metamorphosing into a rag tag group, who did the very same things they accused the PPP/C of. They illegally sold hundreds of acres of prime state lands during the period when the government had fallen. Others of the clan, wore large gold bangles and sported gold pendants; the precious stone of choice.
We are hearing that same corruption call all over again, this time coming from The Mohameds, this father and son business Moghuls, are shouting from the sidelines that Guyana is in bad hands. They claim this country is in deep corruption and they are the only ones capable of rescuing this nation.
This dark shades, wily character, has come into the spotlight claiming to be the prince charming of change, he has built a few homes for those in need through his charitable outreaches among other things. He has also visited some hotspots where farmers and other disgruntled persons openly voiced their problems. These occasions were used as photo opportunity to gain popularity wherewith there is the call for him to enter the presidential race.
His overambition has propelled him into the realm of entering the political race, as was seen in his Lima Sands outreach. But claiming rights to the leadership race for this country, The Mohameds have to first face up to their past, which is not good reading. First of all, they are a “Business” family who had spent 40 years building up an empire under questionable circumstances, which is the cause for USA Sanctions. It was as a result of these tax evasion clauses that the USA have imposed sanctions on the family business.
Here is Guyana their names have been called in on other shady matters, they must first clear their names before attempting to vilify the PPP/C, because that opens themselves to a ton of skeletons that are in their cupboards. Making a few donations or building a few houses is not governance of a country? To govern a country takes proper planning and a meticulous execution of those promises, are The Mohameds up to that task? The PPP/C over the years have shown that they have the drive and the capacity to fulfill promises, they have repeatedly shown that they have the wherewithal to fulfill their manifesto to the letter.
The question comes again, are the Mohameds really standing up for the people of this country? His father has openly stated that “his business” has been negatively impacted by the sanctions and he is livid as a result. So, what must we deduce from that statement or, from the would-be presidential hopeful when he said “I am the only person with a Lamborghini and I am here to hear your problems nothing else”?
Fighting for one’s business is one thing, but do not “pee in my eye” and call it rain when you tell me that you care for people, that is not caring for people that is making a throughway for his own self-interest. What I see happening is a rehash of The 2015 election fiasco where everyone is fighting for votes to shore up their ambitious attempts to rule this country. We are watching.
Neil Adams