Dear Editor,
The Opposition has presented some unreasonable ideas to the country in the past, such as the excessive increase in taxes and the unreasonable tax burden on water and electricity that has since been reduced. They have also presented some ridiculous ideas, such as 34 being the majority of 65. The idea recently published in the letter “Gas-to-energy project can be a game-changer for the country,” by the representative of the Opposition and Member of Parliament the Honourable Jermaine Figueira where he said, “the Government has already established partnerships with Brazil, which should be extended with pipelines planted to transport natural gas eventually to the South American behemoth”, is a statement that is extremely questionable. A gas-to-energy pipeline to Brazil? The closest Brazilian city to Guyana (Lethem) is Bonfim in the state of Roraima, which is a municipality with a population in the 12,000s. Surely the honourable gentleman has not considered the astronomical cost of such a pipeline and the low demand being pursued.
Once again, in an attempt to outdo each other, the ideas around the use of our natural gas resources continue to go from bad to worse. Most recently the heat index in Thailand reached 54 degrees Celsius, and China has also recorded its lowest temperature in Heilongjiang Province of -53 degrees Celsius. This is quite an alarming trend, and one for which there is an increased desire to end it. With this desire also comes financial compensation to aid in putting an end to what many consider as a trend headed towards an environment that will eventually become unliveable. It is important that instead of presenting and discussing ideas that are callous, irresponsible and bring further harm to the planet’s environment that the Honourable Members of the National Assembly of the Parliament of Guyana focus on taking seriously Guyana’s role in the Guiana Shield. The Honourable Assembly should be presenting profitable, environmentally responsible ideas that will aid those affected by climate change while also enhancing the financial health of our nation and its citizens.
Jamil Changlee