Dear Editor,
A colloquial term famous in Guyana is “going to the water side” or “going to the sea wall.” Both of these expressions indicate an intention of the British “going to the seaside” and the American “going to the beach,” especially in the Summer and, immediately what is pictured in the mind is sun-bathing, swimming, barbecuing, fun, frolicking and games, strolling, picnicking or just lying or sitting on a folding chair under a beach umbrella with your sunglasses on, enjoying the scenery and the air with a book. In Guyana, the same trend of thought prevails with a requisite for “ going to 63 Beach” on Easter Monday, but, with a distinction that most of the beaches in the foreign lands are landscaped with clear (blue) waters and white sands versus most of our beaches, you will find the rich brown sand and the warm, murky-type water. It is so unravelling to walk on the beach in the water, barefoot, feeling the water circling caressingly around your ankles and your feet dipping threateningly into the sinking sands! But, a visit to the seaside or beach or sea wall, wherever and whenever, satisfies the lungs with the smell of refreshing salt air, free of toxins and rejuvenating the body when inhaled with invigoration.
At the time of writing, Guyana is imploding from the election ruckus, manufactured by the reckless coalition party and, a long and painful wait is still endured by the patient Guyanese patriots, glued to the media for the outcome of the Appeal Court’s decision on the mischievous “Motion” case that lacks the spirit of emotion and compassion, but strictly with a commotion seeking to deny the will of the people. In the interim, it is heartening and comforting to see, hear and read about so many Guyanese, openly pledging their support to the President-elect, Dr Irfaan Ali, indicating a commitment towards nation-building in unity and diversity. Many are coming aboard his bandwagon, discarding a bitter past from the election fiasco, realising how they were fooled and led astray by a syndicate of cahoots, led by no other than the head of the deceivers who continues to play the dangerous role of “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.”
With the call of “enough is enough,” “refusing to wait quietly and politely,” being labelled as “devious crooks” and “sanctimonious gangster”, it is not surprising that daily, many conscientious individuals from all walks of life are confessing that they were misled by propaganda and by those greedy for power and money to satisfy the means of living a good life for themselves at the expense of the entire nation. It is not only refreshing but reassuring also that Guyanese are waking up and committing themselves to cross all borders that were hurdled viciously unto their paths for survival and turn a blind eye to the lurid call of a fraudulent claim of irregularities being echoed by an out of tune symphony of tasteless musicians. It is without any component of shame that the majority of the coalition party continues to hide behind an inhibition of illusion, dreaming in a world fantasy, grasping to a floating feather, seeking refuge in desperation and hoping for a miracle that perhaps exists only in the movie world with a nickname of “Never Say Never.”
Despite the numberless calls and intellectual advice enumerated by the vociferous warnings from dignitaries, leaders, academics, professionals, parties, organisations and individuals both nationally and internationally, the callous caretaker charge d’affaires, Mr Granger, blatantly refuses to concede to the transparency of the election recount result, confirming that the PPP/C generated 233,336 votes and the APNU/AFC secured 217,920 votes, thereby mathematically earning a lead of 15,416 votes and paving the way for Dr Irfaan Ali to be legitimately elected as President of Guyana. His consistent denial of the RO of Region Four’s behaviour, precluding the smooth operation of the election process and hindering the transparency of its counting, stuns not only the entirety of Guyana but also the world at large and influences all with the firm conviction that he is determined to collude with fraudulent misgivings and support the dishonourable action of deceitful and dishonest behaviour, unacceptable to the global community that supports free and fair election.
A high number of the supporters of the coalition party have no alternative but to unhesitatingly and openly endorse all the derogatory remarks associated with the defamation of his character, including, reflecting his twisted tongues, repudiating established and verified affirmations, detracting from truth and honesty, backtracking of his words and promises, impeding the growth of this country and contributing towards the direct suffrage and survival of the struggling people. This shocking attitude of a man once perceived as religious, dignified and truthful, not only leaves much to be desired but more so, casts aspersions towards his credibility for continued leadership of the party and to question his soundness of mind in the ambit of sanity! The blind cannot lead the blind and his supporters are not naïve and/or gullible, not stupid or silly and should not be taken for granted. Rather, they are intelligent, truthful, honest, conscious and fully supportive of free and fair elections and can read, write, see for themselves and are culpable of differentiating right from wrong. They do not need anyone like him to poison their minds ever again and afford them the sad opportunity of committing a mistake that they will later have to regret and be ashamed of.
Guyana is a gorgeous country, filled with heartwarming people who deserve to live in peace and harmony with each other and casting no aspersions on caste, creed or ethnicity and wanting to bury this demoralised monster; who only desire to strive for the benefit of raising a family that can prosper only under the umbrella of a justified and elected Government, wanting to work free and fair for all the people; who will love and cherish the prosperity provided by a Government that functions in transparency; who can respect and honour a Government that disbars itself from all discrimination; who can work and develop this country that maintains a Government that is committed to national unity and manages with professional integrity and who desire an uninterrupted lifestyle that does not inhibit peace and stability and a Government that upholds the true meaning of liberty and equality on a national distribution level.
As the turbulent rain descended with all its might, rancour and beauty on this fertile land and exceptional people, is it synonymous with the proceedings of the Appeal Court and the findings of the Judges who ruled by a majority of 2 to 1 this Monday afternoon? In a layman’s terms from the man in the street, the understanding of the court has jurisdiction to listen to the applicant’s case, this definition of more votes cast meaning more valid votes cast, the order does not take effect by way of a three-day stay and no injunctions granted, all these implications only add to more complications and the average person is probably more at sea than at land. Is it back to GECOM to validate the interpretation of what is “valid”? Is the report from the CEO of GECOM based on the required recount result as requested by the madam Chair or is it in concurrence with his analogy of valid votes allowing an advantage for APNU/AFC. What will be the stand taken by the madam Chair, the honourable Ms Claudette Singh? Will she agree or disagree with Mr Lowenfield’s submissions? Her seat is once again on top of a towering inferno. Will there be an appeal to Monday’s findings from the Appeal Court? Questions more than answers are being entertained and not in a welcoming mode, for Guyana again sits on a waiting list and the frustration and uneasiness builds a crescendo that fuels a shattered dream of solvent probabilities and a quick resolution! Who is surprised and who is not? The saga and sad state of affairs continue at the demise of the Guyanese people and a keen and attentive international audience continues to look on in dismay and disappointment. The hearts are bleeding and the tears flow profusely, not from the rain! This nation goes to sleep, drenched in shame and disgrace from a ruthless deceptor!
This beautiful country needs a breath of fresh air as afforded by the cool and refreshing breeze from the Atlantic Ocean, still free and fair from inhibitions and controlled only by the power of the unseen.
Jai Lall