A place called Guyana

Dear Editor,
It is good to be home in my native land Guyana, to once again breathe the clean tropical air of this carbon sink, rainforest country. It is a truly nostalgic and healthful experience to be here. We are blessed to be in this part of God’s Earth, and to experience these natural gifts that we sometimes take for granted. Guyana is God’s blessed country.
I am also delighted to see the lush greenery pervading the countryside, and the rice and vegetable crops that have recently been bathed by the rain. The lush green growth is a welcoming relief from the long period of dryness experienced in prior months, which tells us that our future development in the agricultural sector is good.
I say kudos to Minister Mustapha and his agriculture team for their hard work in drainage and irrigation, as well as the injection of valuable inputs into the sector.
We now take a look at the massive infrastructural development taking place all over this country. Some have been completed already, and as well, some are ongoing works. Completed projects include the Heroes Highway and many of the internal community roads. Soon-to-be-completed infrastructure are The Demerara Harbour Bridge, The Amaila Falls, The Four Lane Highways, and other interconnected major thoroughfares.
In addition, energy generation, water, and telecommunication all lead to a sustained developmental trajectory as this country moves forward.
Passing through Georgetown, there are the same sights and sounds. I am talking about the stench that comes from rotting smelly garbage heaps. These small hillocks of garbage are the characteristic sights and accompanying smells that greet you whenever you enter the capital city.
Mayor Mentore is a representation of one of those groups that are demanding that the central government pump more money into the city with nothing tangible to show in return, meantime the putrefaction rises to the high heavens.
On the political front, the Government has to battle with a plethora of accusations of corruption, both at home and abroad. The Opposition has jumped on these allegations with great enthusiasm, making every accusation a headline news item. The Government, in its effort at transparency and accountability, has mounted its out investigations while requesting external help on others. We will get answers at the end of this patch.
Some of the points raised in this letter will be dealt with in a detailed manner in a subsequent article.

Neil Adams