A ploy to win next election

Dear Editor,
The leading party proposed/presented a budget for 2017 that was more a ploy to win the next election. The budget reflected a tone of low expectations with regard to anaemic economic growth and pending hardship as a result of high taxation on basic commodities and utilities. For these reasons, a ploy is evident to win the next elections because it is effortless to exceed low expectations. Besides, the promise of cutting taxes in an election year is campaigning 101.
Starting from low expectations allows for the luxury of time and avoidance of disappointment that could lead to resentment (loss votes). As such, the wise folks of the Government are awaiting the much anticipated windfall from oil exploration to boost their popularity by the next election. Meanwhile, they just have to exceed the low expectation that was set by themselves, ie no citizens or opposition need not contribute to consensus. Moreover, levying higher taxes on a nation that do not normal pay their taxes is laughable. As such, this budget is “meaningless” for a country that the “grey” market is two/thirds of the GDP and the other third is derived from remittances. Remember politicians are facilitators not entrepreneurs.
The Central Bank is now taking its cue from Cambio dealers.
Lastly, the so-called 2017 Budget is for those city folks, mainly those that live in the capital because folks in the rural areas were always resourceful. Countrymen and women were never fully excited about the delivery of potable water or electrification since these services normally decay over time due to lack of money, theft and irregular maintenance. What the countryfolks depend on is remittances. They also consume copious amounts of scaremongering.
Like us be real, Guyana is a pseudo-independent prodigal nation. The optics of Guyana is wealthy, fat and flourishing budget or no budget!

Keith Bernard