A simple matter being transformed into a political campaign story

Dear Editor,
I pause here to comment on a matter that is in the media, that is, the altercation between a prominent educator and another individual. As the story goes, there was a frank exchange of words, which was issued from a free and fair exchange between the two parties. Now, one of the two became so enraged that he marched to a particular print media house to vent his frustration, his contention is, he was severely disrespected, which in a Guyanese context, race and politics raises its ugly head. From that very moment the matter entered into that phase.
Now, that altercation issue somehow reached the attention of the Minister of Youth and Culture, who, according to the complainant, gave his views on the educators handling of the matter, please note the minister is duly responsible to give his opinion of the matter. However, the minister’s response did not sit well with him, so he again approached social media for redress, as he continued in that vein of thought that he was racially and politically victimised.
Now, background checks would reveal that the terms of his contract came to an end in the month wherein which the said incident occurred, note well, contracts are renewable, however, this individual was so full of it, that his political mindset took control of him and everything else was seen through those lenses. Hence, every person in that parameter automatically became an assailant.
The end to this drama came when he was assumedly advised that his services can be renewed. Now follow the narrative in two of the daily tabloids “Thom asked to resume duties as Burrowes head after resignation sparked, by run in with Ramson.” Another newspaper stated emphatically that ministers of government should refrain themselves from making comments pertaining to public officials; pretty strong words coming from the usual suspects. It goes on to say it is undignified, unnecessary and ultimately damaging to the governance structure.
This reeks of bullyism and the political stance taken by the political drama queens of the day, in their book they are free to do as they please with no control to their actions, while the employer government should remain silent, docile and submissive.
This encapsulates the whole motive behind the educator’s story of being racially abused by a member of the public (Presumably a relative of the minister) as well as being subjected to the highhanded actions of a minister of government.
The point is whether the educator’s story is true, which I strongly deny, this is what he needs to know, Minister Ramson is an astute lawyer who would not be drawn into a political squabble with a misinformed individual. This matter could have been long settled, if only The Burrowes School Head kept his personal and political hangups out of it.
Finally, as we get closer to elections, politically charged stories like this one would show up, each time with a more colourful flare to it, however, I here caution those opposition forces and persons acting under their influence, to get a proper campaign entertainment story, that we can believe.

Neil Adams