A “timeless treasure” – President, PM say of Gandhi on birth anniversary
Guyana has joined with the rest of the world in celebrating the 151st birth anniversary of Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist Mahatma Gandhi.
Prime Minister Brigadier Mark Phillips and High Commissioner of India to Guyana, Dr KJ Srinivasa, place flowers at the Gandhi Monument on Friday in commemoration of the 151st birth anniversary
During a briefing on Friday, President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali and Prime Minister Brigadier Mark Phillips saluted Ghandhi as “a timeless treasure”. Their remarks were made at a modest ceremony organised by the High Commissioner of the Republic of India to commemorate Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on his 151st birth anniversary.
The Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Monument at the Promenade Gardens in Georgetown
According to President Ali, it is truly remarkable that someone born 151 years ago can remain as timeless and relevant today as he was 100 years ago. The President said the grandeur of human achievements –including fame, status, reputation and glory – often fade with the passage of time.
“It is for this reason that Mahatma Gandhi continues to enjoy the adoration and respect of each succeeding generation. He was truly a Great Soul”, the President said.
The President added that the Mahatma remains a timeless figure in history. A man of deep moral and spiritual conviction, whose impact on history and especially on the lives of the people of his country cannot be devalued or diminished, not by time or revisionists.
“Gandhi, a son of the sub-continent, remains an enduring inspiration for men and women of all ages and from all corners of the globe. He is a timeless treasure. The Republic of Guyana joins today in venerating his memory. We herald him as one of history’s immortal figures. We salute and admire the strength of his character” the President said.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Brigadier Mark Phillips on Friday morning joined the Indian High Commission and High Commissioner of India to Guyana, Dr. K.J Srinivasa, to lay floral tributes at the Mahatma Gandhi Monument located in the Promenade Gardens in Georgetown.
During the ceremony, the Prime Minister was gifted with an autobiography of Gandhi. The items were handed over to the Prime Minister by High Commissioner of India to Guyana, Dr. K.J Srinivasa.
In his remarks, the Prime Minister said it was a privilege to speak at such an occasion, as the world honours a great leader, a visionary, a world influencer, a global peacemaker, the “great soul” Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
“On this, the 151st birth anniversary of this revolutionary figure, many important lessons can still be learnt from his feats and the life that he lived. It is my sound belief that we must never tire of honouring heroes such as these, as their lives serve as constant reminders of the qualities that we should seek to emulate and the lessons that we should continue to pass on through our generations”, he said.
According to the PM, Gandhi’s legacy is one that encapsulates a widespread genuine interest in peace, freedom and humanity.
“…his greatest gift to this world was his philosophy of satyagraha, or non-violence with regard to political and social progress. It is this doctrine that would change the world for millions of people through philosophies that influenced other great men, like Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Junior”, the PM said.
He then quoted the word of Dr. King to Gandhi, which said: “[Gandhi] would resist evil as much as the man who uses violence, but he resists it without external violence or violence of the spirit. That is what Gandhism does. It is a method of the strong.”
“Friends, these words ring ever true today even at home in Guyana. Just weeks after the lives of three innocent young men were violently taken, and just a short while after violent protests rocked our nation due to social and political differences, these words could not be more profound”, he explained.
The PM encouraged that, as per teachings from Gandhi, we must learn, as a people, how to resist evil without turning to external violence or violence of the spirit. He added that it is unity and peace that would easier and faster transport us to the prosperous future that we aspire to achieve.
“It only takes a willingness to accept that we can improve by taking little steps towards expanding our wisdom and committing to a life of creating valuable connections, open dialogue and, above all, peace at all costs”, he added.