Home News Abandoned building in NA destroyed after third fire in 3 months
Less than three months after firefighters had been called out twice on the same day to put out a fire destroying an abandoned building at Main and King Streets in New Amsterdam, that building was again on fire, but this time it has been completely destroyed. 
This fire, said to be of unknown origin, occurred at about 12:15h on Thursday, and the police have said the abandoned three-storey wooden -and-concrete building was owned by Nalico/Nafico Insurance Company. During this fire, the Church View Hotel located nearby sustained partial damage, and three water tanks were destroyed.
Investigators have received information that a mentally ill man is suspected to be the person who had set fire to the building on two previous occasions. They are attempting to locate this individual, described as an African Guyanese male, but he has not been found.
Divisional Fire Officer Clive McDonald has said that when the first of two fire tenders arrived on scene, the building was observed to be fully engulfed. He noted that the nearby hotel was under threat from the fire raging at the old wooden building.
On December 22 last, members of the New Amsterdam Fire Service were twice summoned to put out a fire raging at this three-storey building, which had been unoccupied for at least 20 years. They were able to extinguish the blaze without much damage was done to the building. Police had discovered clothing and a few articles in the building, and had concluded that the building was being used by vagrants. Thursday’s fire razed the remaining part of the building.
“This is pretty much unusual…,” McDonald has said. “Persons went into the building and, for whatever reason, set the fire again to this old structure, and used some form of what we call an accelerant – something to push the fire – because it is unusual that when the crew arrived upon receiving that call, (they) observed that the building (was) fully engulfed in flames – red hot flames.”