Accomplice confesses to plotting robbery against Linden businessman
As Police continue their investigation into the robbery which left a 22-year-old bandit – identified as Kevin Batson of 161 First Alley, Wismar, Linden – dead, ranks have since arrested his accomplice who was found hiding in a house not far from the scene and confessed to planning the robbery against the businessman.
Some of the items retrieved from the dead bandit
Police, acting on intelligence, went to a house at Victory Valley, Wismar, where they were able to arrest the man.
Upon his arrest, a search was carried out on his person during which an unlicensed pistol with two live ammunition, a toque, gloves, dove spray, and several pieces of garments with suspected bloodstains were found. He has since given a detailed account of what transpired during the robbery.
On Wednesday, Batson was shot dead by a businessman who he had robbed of a sum of cash, a cellphone, and several other items.
According to Police, Batson, along with his accomplice, went to the businessman’s shop on Wednesday and ordered a garden rake and opted to pay before the item was delivered.
It was then he whipped out a handgun and struck the victim to his face and head before relieving him of his valuables.
As the perpetrators were making their escape, the store owner pursued them. In an attempt to scare the businessman, Batson opened fire, but the businessman drew his licensed pistol and returned fire, hitting him.
Police Officers were summoned to the scene and they also discharged several rounds in the direction of the perpetrators, but the men managed to make good their escape.
A search was later carried out in the area, and Batson was found in some bushes. At the time, his right hand which appeared to have been bleeding was wrapped with a red bandana.
Upon searching the injured suspect, Police found the businessman’s cellphone, a sum of cash, and several other items belonging to the victim as well as a quantity of marijuana.
Batson was then taken to the Mackenzie Hospital Complex, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. His body, which bears several suspected gunshot wounds, is currently at the Pensioners’ Mortuary awaiting a post-mortem.