For too long Guyanese have been entrusting the task of nation-building to politicians without realising that citizens themselves have an important role to play in the process. Collective will is a key factor in nation-building, when guided by policies designed to this effect.
But sometimes one is tempted to question whether Guyanese do indeed care for nation-building and national unity, despite having heavily supported a Coalition campaign built on these notions which the Government has eventually proven to be nothing more than empty promises. With the outpour of cries for “change” which culminated in the 2015 “national-unity Government”, one might have thought that Guyanese themselves would have been inspired enough by the much touted “fresh approach” to trigger a sudden change in mentality which would have swept the country forward in some way. Unfortunately, half way into the Coalition’s mandate has revealed an incompetent Government led by the PNC which dominates an increasingly impotent AFC. As for that mentality shift which ought to have accompanied the change in Government, that’s another disappointment.
Obviously, one does not expect a mentality shift to occur overnight. However, looking back at the past 2 years, one is almost convinced that the fissures dividing Guyanese are widening not only because of the deliberate pauperisation of rural Guyana through reckless policy-making, but also because of the lack of solidarity among Guyanese. When thousands of sugar workers are on the brink of becoming jobless, thousands of other Guyanese stand blindly in support behind the PNC-led Coalition. Party loyalty takes precedence over humanity.
When a Region 9 REO is accused of sexually molesting a young woman of his own party, efforts to cover up the affair and silence the victim were made. When the victim pressed charges and the affair was taken before the justice, party supporters slut-shamed her and continue to do so. Party loyalty takes precedence over women’s rights.
When Junior Minister Broomes is found to possess 3 mining blocks on indigenous lands awaiting title, and is called out by the civil society for having misled the nation and refusing to relocate, she is backed by supporters who are expressive of their loyalty in the most aggressive and vulgar of ways imaginable. Party loyalty takes precedence over indigenous land rights.
When rice farmers in Essequibo can no longer make a decent living with a trade that has transcended generations of Guyanese, because of irresponsible policy-making, some Guyanese still stand blinded by party loyalty behind the PNC-led Coalition. It doesn’t matter if the rice sector is one of the largest employers in Essequibo. Political preference takes precedence even over personal well-being.
When in 2016 prisoners orchestrated a jail break from the Camp-Street prison, party supporters stood behind the Coalition and blamed the PPP. When in 2017 prisoners orchestrated a second jail-break and burnt almost the entire complex to the ground, supporters still stood behind the Coalition and blamed the PPP. Party loyalty primes over common sense.
When free speech doesn’t compliment the Coalition regime, it is attacked and suppressed where possible. Political preference takes precedence over the will to strive for democracy. And in the end, what we realise is that the Government of Guyana is only able to throttle our civil and human rights because we allow it to; because we ask it to; because some of us Guyanese are reluctant to relinquish the dangerous habits of political tribalism. We therefore become the accomplices of our own demise as a nation as we continue to bring each other down for the benefit of politicians.
And so the diaspora is accused of not being Guyanese enough, never mind so much diaspora money is injected into the economy. The human diversity which is celebrated by the Constitution is dinged by debates lined with racism as we castigate each other for the colour of our skin.
Progress is suffocated when we ourselves encourage the oppression of our women with the sexism that perverts political debates both in Government and among citizens. Women’s rights become an uphill battle when women themselves denigrate and drag each other down as retribution for free speech.
This is one of the very visible versions of Guyana 2017. Not a Guyana we should be proud of, but a Guyana we should aspire to change. Only when we raise our families with the intention to make a positive contribution to society, to the collective, can we expect “change”. Until then, we will continue to be the instigators of our own underdevelopment.