Accused drug trafficker granted bail after four months on remand

Accused drug trafficker Peter Gordon Clarke

Peter Gordon Clarke, a 31-year-old resident of Fellowship, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara who has been accused of having in his possession cannabis sativa worth over $600,000 on February 27 last, has been granted bail in the sum of $300,000 by Georgetown Magistrate Annette Singh.
The Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) had, in March of this year, charged Clarke with drug trafficking after ranks had intercepted him in a car in which a quantity of marijuana was found. At his initial court appearance, he was refused bail and remanded to prison. However, on Tuesday, Clarke was released on bail after his lawyer Bernard Da Silva renewed an application for bail on his behalf.

The parcels of marijuana that were found in the car

Clarke has pleaded not guilty to the charge which alleges that, on February 27, he had 2.144 kilograms of cannabis sativa (marijuana) in his possession for the purpose of trafficking.
The CANU has reported that its agents intercepted motorcar PZZ 2006 at Hill Street Lodge, Georgetown, between Durban and Norton Streets, on February 27 last.
Clarke was the only occupant of the vehicle, and a search conducted therein unearthed the cannabis in two brick-like parcels. He was arrested and escorted to the CANU Headquarters along with the narcotic, which is estimated to be valued at $643,200. (G1)