ActionCoach Guyana on Wednesday launched its new brand called ProfitCLUB group coaching network programme, which will see businesses in Guyana benefiting from coaching which will enable their business to thrive.
The brand, introduced by Guyana’s ActionCoach, Vishnu Doerga is a programme where a group of like-minded business owners can meet every two weeks, for one or even half of an hour, in a structured environment to learn and discuss new
business tips, strategies and ideas.
The aim of ProfitCLUB is to provide a place where business owners can interact with each other to build better strategic alliances which will enable them to meet the rising economy. Speaking at the programme launch, Doerga who acquired the ActionCoach franchise in November 2014 and on May 20, 2015, officially launched the franchise here in Guyana encouraged businesses to join with their local Private Sector organisations. According to Doerga, the rate of failed businesses in Guyana is at the 80 per cent range which he blamed on the lack of business education. As such, the Coach further encouraged business owners to educate themselves at the ProfitCLUB which will in turn benefit their businesses. The Georgetown Chamber and Commerce Industry (GCCI) was the first organisation to benefit from such training.
The organisations Executive Director of the Chamber, Kirk Hollingsworth said many small businesses needs to be prepared to meet the economy as Guyana in the next few years will be an oil and gas economy. “There is going to be tremendous transformation here in Guyana and we can expect to see significant increases in our GDP in the next 10 years or so and that is going to transform this country economically as well as socially. So as businesses, looking to participate in such a rising economy, we will have to raise our game,” Hollingsworth said. He added that now it is vital for businesses to participate in some of the activities being promted by the ActionCoach’s ProfitCLUB. One on one coaching is will also be offered where person who are ready to move at a much higher pace will get the needed support to grown even faster.
ActionCOACH is the world’s number one business coaching and executive coaching firm, with more than 1000 offices in more than 70 countries, coaching more than 35,000 businesses every week.