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Dear Editor,
The article carried in the Guyana Chronicle, Saturday, January 7, 2017, titled “Bishop Edghill opposes curbs on illegal rum shops” is mischievous, misleading, a total fabrication, a nasty piece of editorial intervention, yellow journalism and displays the pettiness and vindictiveness of the APNU/AFC Granger-led administration. It is clear that this propaganda piece was not designed to inform the public of the debate which took place in the National Assembly on January 6, 2017, but it was a calculated attempt to bring my ecclesiastical office into disrepute and to create suspicions in the minds of readers. 
The headline and story do not match and from all indications, the editor of the Guyana Chronicle must take full responsibility for facilitating this despicable act. At no time in my presentation to the National Assembly during the debate of Bill No 32 of 2016 “Intoxicating Liquor Licensing (Amendment) Bill 2016” did I indicate that I am against illegal rum shops or even made any such insinuations. As a matter of fact, nowhere in the Bill even in the explanatory memorandum, was the issue of illegal rum shops addressed. The Bill was about increasing fees and penalties (100 per cent in every case). It is clear that this Government, having inflicted greater burdens on the people of Guyana through their taxation measures, are now seeking to deflect the criticism coming from the masses.
This attempt exposes the lack of decency and ethics; in seeking to denigrate one’s religion and vilifying their stance on moral issues to camouflage the Government’s moral bankruptcy. I strongly reject this continuing attack by members of the coalition Government, many who claim to embrace Christianity as the religion they practice. This article is a continuation of the unending and relentless cynicism, sarcasm and downright persecution that I have endured in the National Assembly without adequate protection from the Speaker of the House. The fact that the Guyana Chronicle chose to insert this Headline along with a picture of me clothed in ecclesiastical vestments is a clear indication that the target audience is the church community, but I am assured by the Scripture in Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment.
You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from me,” Says the LORD.
In direct response, I make these several calls:
1) Every media entity who is interested in conveying factual information to the people of Guyana should air and make available my full presentation as it related to my contribution to Bill No 32 of 2016.
2) I call upon all Guyanese to visit the Parliamentary website and view my presentation in full which was live streamed and is now archived.
3) I call upon the Guyana Chronicle to make public the story submitted by the reporter who was present in the National Assembly and to indicate who gave the instructions to make changes, who gave the instructions to insert that Headline and who gave the instructions to insert a picture of myself in ecclesiastical vestments.
4) I call upon Christian leaders of all the various denominations to denounce this despicable attack. ‘Silence for the purpose of political expedience is not an option.’
5) I call upon leaders of all religions to state publicly their position on the abuse of religious leaders by the State media for political purposes.
6) I call upon the Board and management of the Guyana Chronicle to immediately retract and offer a public apology with the same level of prominence that the article was published.
Finally, I wish to give assurance to all Guyanese and more particularly the Christian community that I will continue to advocate for righteousness, justice, fairness, accountability and transparency in Government, social justice and all that is expected of me in keeping with my convictions and beliefs. I reject this diabolical plot that has been hatched, that is a reflection of the “sick minds” that exist in our country. I pray that those responsible will find a way of purging their souls from this evil.
Juan Edghill
Member of Parliament