Home Letters AG elucidates, encourages and educates Guyanese
Dear Editor,
Guyana’s distinguished “Legal Brainbox” went to town on Guyana’s discoverer, “Mr. Conflict of Interest,” who determined that 33 is not the half of 65, and detected that he can be the distraught leader of a diseased party comprising of danger, dementia and derangement.
There are many “issues in the news” to diagnose, discuss and digest. But daily, Guyanese, more so, are dismayed with those wolves in sheep’s clothing who want to dominate the political scene with their diplomatic doldrum, depressed despondency, and distressed dejection. These daredevils want to devour Guyanese with their double standards, dressed in anything not dowdy and their dirty tongue dripping distastefully.
A dichotomy between cynicism and skepticism, some Guyanese are being tranquilized by the emperors with their new clothing as they parade in a charade of deceits, degradation and disgrace. In a transformative era, those knights in shining armour appear from the dusking of darkness to enter the dawning of light, saddled with an eye on the ball while the oil and gold rush remain the apple of the eye. Not deterred by the detriments of dishonesty, disloyalty nor disobedience, those sworn to the allegiance of the “Pot of Greed” are prepared to trample on human rights and human frailty.
In this formidable and modern E-age, where I-phones, emails and computers replace the ancient antiquity of land lines, letters and typewriters, technology has rapidly advanced with the IT phenomenon to incorporate the application of robotics to enhance data processing in its precise execution of recording, storing and retrieving information. This PPP/C Government has recognized, acknowledged and instituted STEM as the foundation to edify Guyanese and to insert this tool as a problem-solving skill. In the dissemination of information, Guyanese can no longer be fooled by con men who practise the art of deception.
That is why the Caribbean Court of Appeal (CCJ) refused to even listen to the absurd, asinine and apoplectic argument advanced by a former arrogant AG and engineered by an ambitious presidential candidate about what constitutes the simple half of 65. To put it mildly, the big, bad and bullish men and women of the PNCR, WPA, AFC and all the other nonentity one-person parties which comprised APNU/AFC, knew not the meaning of appearing silly in the academic world. Even a little “common entrance” student can answer the question without the aid of a calculator, but not the doctors, lawyers, engineers, professors, teachers and yes, preachers, who want to rule this country.
Guyana is going to be the breadbasket of the Caribbean, not only for food, but for education also. Luckily, this is only possible through the instrumentality of a progressive PPP/C Government that is armed with foresight for vision; and not the Opposition, that is equipped with hindsight for stagnation. Without the luxury of the oil revenue, the PPP/C Government saved this country from the brink of death, and pulled her out of the jaws of bankruptcy. The records from the devasted 33 years of doom and gloom from the PNC administration speak volumes in comparison to the PPP/C 23 years of success from 1992 to 2015.
The Opposition will first have to win an election in order to gain governance, and then a fair comparison may be made for economic gains with the advent of the oil and gas industry. The world at large know that the PNC attempted to rig the last General and Regional Election in 2020, but not the leaders of PNC, AFC or the WPA. The others are unworthy of mentioning. They even tried to make the Russians a “scapegoat” to assert the usage of a computerized system when the manual work of the “finger” was more than acceptable! Yu hear lie?
The Ordinance of election rigging is the PNC’s birthright, an inherited “karma” from the Party’s conception, regurgitated and filtered as their “dharma.” This is their primary weapon to win the war and the battle. Ask the Ranger who went to the US to remind his comrades about Burnham’s mythology and methodology.
The PNC’s secondary alliance is the “race card.” The slang that cements “kit and kin” and “one looking like we” is the background for “war break” and the pursuance for “mo fyah, slo fyah.” Looks are not deceiving, and when you have to “turn the gun” on the other side, that lessens the difficulty of the job. The PNC protect their party, people and principles with their dogmatic politics. There is no ambiguity, that is why the henchman hangs his mouth where the soup leaks. Inflammatory remarks made by the PNC politicians in West Coast Berbice in 2020 is food for thought, and leave much to be desired.
When in doubt, hit out. This is the pragmatic way which the PNC default program subscribes to as its third avenue as a back door to the front. Violence has been associated with the PNC since their conception (mis?). The ugly days of the Wismar burning, the infamous Georgetown looting, the 80 days’ strike, the mauling and raping of girls and women in open daylight, the deaths of Kowsilla, Father Darke, Rodney and others, the draping of a bandit’s coffin with the Guyana flag and the plight of the late US President Carter, all these incidents lead to the uncomfortable road which is paved with the truth of inconvenience!
Those who are strangers to latrines can never understand the language of the man in the street. Their lifestyle alludes to insincerity, insecurity and inequity. They will tell you that they can see “eye to eye” with you. Yu hear lie? Thankfully, the Honorable AG spends invaluable time weekly, when possible, to elucidate Guyanese to “know right from wrong,” to encourage Guyanese to “do the right thing”, and to educate Guyanese to “know your rights,” and much more in his “Issues in the News.”
Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall