Dear Editor,
Each time the Town Clerk of Georgetown dispatches a long-winded vacuous epistle to the letters column of the local dailies, it serves no other purpose but to aggravate further, an already irate citizenry. One wonders if it is deliberate, to let them know that he can and will do whatever he pleases, and they can ‘Like it or Lump it.’
The Town Clerk knows that the most recent purported ‘election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor’ would better be referred to as the ‘selection of Mayor and Deputy Mayor’ which is done by a caucus of select Councillors prior. And therefore, to say that the Deputy Mayor was not returned by virtue of a democratic process is simply egregious.
In fact, the denial of the ‘No-Confidence Motion against the Town Clerk’ which allows him to remain in his seat and spout a lot of baloney, is the epitome of autocracy instead of democracy.
Undoubtedly the Alliance For Change has been kicked to the curb at City Hall, and every intelligent person knows that. But the biggest and sickest joke so far must be his statement that it is public knowledge that within recent times some members of the Council have been using their voices to disseminate inaccurate information and even fake news to adversely affect the image and reputation of the Council, to erode public confidence and trust in its work, and to undermine its authority, while others have been making efforts not only to improve the work of the Council but also the quality of life in the local communities. If this gentleman truly believes that persons are not aware of the graft, corruption, venality, nepotism and financial mismanagement that is ongoing at City Hall, then he is disconnected, lost and out of touch with reality.
He then goes on to say that three years ago the city was left to rot. Does he not see that from the City Hall Building, Georgetown to everything else the Council has control over continues to rot and rot even more now? And was he not working right there at City Hall for the last 30 years when the city was purportedly left to rot? He further says that they turned around the fortunes of the city. This guy has quite a sense of humour. It was only a few contractors, a few officials of the Council and their relatives whose fortunes were turned around, not the city.
Then he talks about ‘new and improved conditions of Georgetown’. What is he talking about? The Stabroek Market wharf that has collapsed or the market clocks that are not working? The old and unhygienic abattoir? the City Police training school that is in rack and ruins, the unfinished Kitty Market, the bad roads and poor street lighting, and the robberies around the dirty and leaking municipal markets? Wake up and smell the coffee Town Clerk.
Melissa Chiu