Dear Editor,
The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), we are sure, like many Guyanese were surprised when they read the April 19, 2018 in sections of the media and learnt that Agriculture Minister Noel Holder said he was searching for persons to name to the Board of Directors of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo). One may have had to read this article, twice, thrice and even more to confirm that their eyes were being honest. For us, this has to be probably the most interesting about-turn for the Agriculture Minister who proclaimed, just weeks ago, that GuySuCo was no longer on his table. Interestingly, the Minister offered no explanation for the change-of-heart or mind. Maybe he is on autopilot or forgot what he said.
Nevertheless, whatever the case may be, this is another sad turn in the confusion that has beset the sugar industry in recent weeks. The Minister’s nominees would be interesting, especially in view of the ‘differences’ in the Administration that has been reported in the media. Now, more than ever, there is a strong need for capable, committed and motivated leadership of the sugar industry. We can no longer continue to inflict blunder after blunder as we have seen in the last two years.
The industry is capable of success, as we have consistently held and from what, we believe, is driving the direction being laid out by the current leadership of the Corporation. We should not lose this opportunity for the renewed sense of hope to be wasted by the appointment of a Board which may have dissimilar intents and views. The GAWU urges the Minister to be bold and to do what is right, in the interest of all Guyanese now and in the future.
Yours faithfully,
Seepaul Narine
General Secretary