Airport check-in system up and running – official

… passengers complain of delays

Following an Internet disruption that caused several flights to be delayed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), the system is now up and running, officials have confirmed.

It was reported on Monday that Guyana Telephone Telegraph’s (GTT) Americas II cable near the shores of Martinique had collapsed, causing hundreds of passengers departing Guyana to experience flight delays and cancellations after airlines were forced to perform the manual check-in of passengers.

Nevertheless, Guyana Times understands that by Tuesday afternoon, operations at the country’s main port of entry returned to normal.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CJIA, Ramesh Ghir, related to this newspaper that late on Tuesday, technicians managed to implement a back-up server to correct the check-in system disruption, while signalling too that flight delays would likely decrease.

However, a statement issued by the Airport on Tuesday outlined that some airlines “are experiencing cancellations” due to crew rotation and other operational issues, especially since it is the peak season.

Meanwhile, later on Tuesday, GTT in a brief statement said it provided a solution to the airline reservation system, SITA, and as such, service was restored at 14:30h. Guyana Times had contacted the company’s Chief Executive Officer, Justin Nedd earlier in the day and he assured that the phone company’s technicians were working feverishly to fix the connection.

This publication was reliably informed that earlier in the day, the system was up for some time but went back down moments later. Reports also indicated that mobile phone company, Digicel, dispatched a team to assist in correcting the disruption at the Airport’s check-in system.

While the technical aspect of the issue seems to be on the mend, the hundreds of passengers who were stranded at the local airport have been complaining bitterly over the experience. In fact, this newspaper received several calls from frustrated passengers.

Most of them complained about the way in which the entire situation was and is being handled, explaining that they understood the fault was with the airport systems. Nevertheless, they vented their anger over the treatment they received at the hands of staffers attached to Dynamic Airlines.

“We saw in the papers that we can go check in at the airport (Tuesday) but when we called the airline people, they said they don’t know anything about that and hang up the phone… Every time we called the office, someone answers and hanging up the phone and when we do finally get onto them, these people don’t even know how to talk to you; we paid our money for tickets and this is the treatment we get,” vented one passenger, who give his name as Chetram.

Meanwhile, several passengers related that when they contacted the airline’s office, they are told that they won’t be able to get any departing flights and will have to wait until two, and is some cases three, weeks after.

“People have jobs and planned their vacations from months before and now they telling us we have to wait until three weeks to travel. How can I go then when I already applied for and was granted leave now; it is almost time for school to reopen, I can’t take my children then,” another woman complained.

Nevertheless, Captain Gerry Gouveia told Guyana Times that a Dynamic Airways flight was scheduled to leave sometime Tuesday night. He also confirmed that an InselAir flight took off Monday evening following a cancellation earlier that day.

On Monday, it was reported that hundreds of passengers departing Guyana experienced major flight delays, while others had their flights cancelled following the disruption with the Internet cables. GTT had noted that the company has redundant infrastructure and was working with SITA to migrate to redundant routes.