Aleem Hussain on Saturday stepped down from the presidency of the Lusignan Golf Club, after serving in that capacity for two years.
Aleem Hussain
In a release which followed his decision, Hussain declared that even though he has stepped down from that position, he would still be pursing greater goals for the sport.
Hussain’s media release
Hussain’s release to the media read as follows:
“There will be many exciting developments that will raise the bar for the sport of golf in Guyana even higher to be announced in the coming days, and I wish at this time to express heartfelt gratitude to all the sponsors, media personnel, and Lusignan Golf Club members for allowing me the opportunity to partner with you and serve you over the past two years.
“I am confident that the efforts made to date will contribute in some way to growing the sport of golf as we continue to build together for the future.
“Having dedicated two years of personal time, resources and money towards developing the Club and boosting public awareness of the sport (the results of which are visible to all), I am stepping down as President of the LGC to focus on projects and programs that are designed to have a wider impact on the sport.
“Looking back at the achievements over the past few years will always provide me with a sense of pride and accomplishment; but without the full support of friends, sponsors, and the media, none would have been accomplished.
“My special thanks for sponsorships and other tangible contributions go to: Ansa Mcal, Assuria, Banks DIH, Continental Group, Copa Airlines, Crown Mining, Ganesh Parts, Global Auto Sales, Kissoon’s Furniture, Macorp, Marriott Hotel, New Trend Auto, Trophy Stall, and many others – too numerous to mention.
“And most importantly, thanks go out to all the Media Agencies who have been more than ordinary partners over these years, and without whose help golf could not have gained the national attention it has achieved.
This partnership of Sponsors and the Media is the accomplishment of the first of many steps of development by which means together we delivered a great product of golf awareness and involvement nationwide in a very short time and in a manner that exceeded expectations!
“Thank you all again, and as the development of the sport continues, I look forward to your continued extraordinary support for the game of golf.”