– as PPP continues to pay respect to our legendary leaders Dr Cheddi Jagan and Mrs Janet Jagan
Dear Editor,
The People’s Progressive Party has organised a massive rally at Babu Jaan today, Sunday, March 26, 2023, to celebrate the rich legacy of the life and works of the Party’s founders-leaders, Cheddi and Janet Jagan.
The Annual Memorial Committee, which was established in 1998 with direct responsibility to organize annual memorial activities to celebrate the life and teachings of the great leader, must be complimented for its outstanding works, which have since served as a template.
Dr. Jagan was born on March 22nd, 1918 at Plantation Port Mourant. He died on March 6th, 1997. The former Queen’s College student excelled at his academics and sports while at Queen’s College, and subsequently strengthened his developmental academia platform as he went on to study at the distinguished Howard’s University in the United States of America. He graduated in 1942 with his degree in dental surgery (DDS) and a Bachelor of Sciences degree (BSC).
Dr. Jagan married Janet Rosenberg on the 5th of August 1953.
In 1947, Dr. Jagan was elected to the National Assembly, as he formally entered and established the basis for the rest of his life in the political arena.
In 1946, he formed the Political Affairs Committee (PAC), which was the foundation for the formation of the People’s Progressive Party. In 1950, he formed the PPP. Quickly after, in 1953, his Party PPP won the first Elections in Guiana under universal suffrage.
Unfortunately, the British suspended the Constitution after a mere one hundred and thirty-three days. Dr. Jagan and his close Ministers were put in prison.
As the world was experiencing the serious effects of the Second World War, the world was divided into so-called Socialist and Capitalist blocs. Dr. Jagan’s PPP was split in 1955. However, he again won elections that were held in 1957 and 1961.
In 1964, the imperial grippers and opportunists formed a coalition, and the PNC/UF formed the Government. What followed thereafter established Guyana as the country with the greatest Riggers of Elections. The PNC rigged itself into Government office time after time during the following twenty-eight years. However, in 1992, with the country fully united to fight ‘rigged’ elections, the PPP/C won the Government as the Dawn of a New Era came into being.
The PPP/C, as a Government, recognised the role of inclusiveness, as the Civic component in its Governance structure brought pride and prestige to a coordinated and advanced representative list of candidates. The PPP/C maintained power for twenty-three years, during which time it transformed the country into a better place to live.
Subsequently, another coalition, the ‘APNU/AFC’, came to power in 2015. However, due to the pervasiveness of serious corruption, crime, and blatant discrimination at all levels, the people in Guyana voted out the established riggers, and PPP/C is back in Government.
In 1997, the founder Leader of the PPP died, and Prime Minister Sam Hinds was elevated to President. At the General Elections in 1997, Cde. Janet Jagan won the Presidency with the winning team of Sam Hinds and the brilliant Bharrat Jagdeo as the “A” team.
It must be noted that after the PPP/C came to Government in 1992, Dr. Jagan was very conscious of the developmental role of his Party, the PPP, and the need to strengthen the pillars of ‘People’ resources that would serve for sustenance and continuity. Consequently, he elevated several young and brilliant activists into our Party’s Central Committee and Executive. Young Jagdeo was quickly appointed as Junior Minister of Finance, and won the confidence of leaders and members to sufficiently advance to the Party’s Executive Committee.
Cde. Janet subsequently resigned as President, due to fading health, and Comrade Jagdeo was elevated based on her recommendation and those of other senior Party executives. It was Cde. Janet who appointed Cde. Jagdeo as the youngest Executive President in Guyana. Young Jagdeo developed into a genuine Leader, and won two consecutive General Elections.
The PPP team has never forgotten the role of our founder-leader, and will always be inspired by his determination and never-say- die foundational pursuits, that continue to live on. The Party’s Central Committee has set up an Annual Cheddi Jagan Memorial Committee to address and honour Cde Jagan as founder member. The Committee guides the coordination broad-based approximately one hundred activities organized across the country to celebrate the life and teaching of our dear founder-leader.
The Annual Babu Jaan activities always attract our President, Prime Minister and our Party General Secretary, along with other representatives. This is done by recognising that the schedule and political calendar are not counted by the number of days, but in events that are included and implemented. We would organise wreath-laying ceremonies all over the country, and conduct national fitness walks at the National Park. Further, sports events are conducted in his honour, including the hosting of cycle races in Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo.
The massive fun day at State House was also a signature event, while Our Night of Reflection normally attracts local and international presentations.
The PPP leadership is blessed with quality comrades, and those comrades indeed could always call on the Party Special Committee to take care of our comrades in need.
All roads lead to Berbice this Sunday.
Neil Kumar.