Twelve contestants vying for the title of Mr and Miss African Roots are making final preparations for the grand finale on Sunday, August 5, 2018 at the Theatre Guild, Lamaha and Parade Streets, Georgetown.
This year, the delegates will compete in the Teen and Young Adult categories and will participate in an introduction segment, where they will be decked out in their creative wear, as well as the swim wear, talent, evening wear and intelligence segments. In addition, they will do a presentation on the respective countries they represent.
The delegates are Joshua Liverpool, Ronald Taylor, Marlon Azore, Orwin Corlette, Elisha D’ornellas, Jamal McCurdy, Adha Joel Ojho, Eon Peters, Kimba Adaro Coates, Shawanna Rachel Shaina Sydney, Madeline Downer, Nickita Mc Farlane and Nkeshie Annahina Aghusto.
At the end of the various competitions, the King and Queen will be crowned as well as the First and second Princes and Princesses. The reigning kings and queens are Stephan Johnson, Richard Layne, Tonya Harris, and Keisha Braze.
The contestants were unveiled two weeks ago at the Umana Yana and have since been involved in rigorous training leading up to the night of reckoning. The 2018 Pageant is sponsored by Aracari Resort, Roraima Airways and other organisations.