Allicock’s visit to Matthew’s Ridge political – residents

…failed to address community issues

The community of Matthews Ridge Region One (Barima -Waini)

The much-anticipated visit of Indigenous Affairs Minister Sydney Allicock to Matthew’s Ridge, Region One (Barima-Waini) on Monday has left much to be desired as he was unable to address the concerns of residents.
According to residents, the Minister’s visit was more political and focused heavily on the ‘legality’ of the Government, rather than what the Government intends to do for the residents of that community.
This newspaper was told that a meeting was held at the community centre with residents who attended to voice their concerns about issues affecting them and sought the intervention of the Minister. However, a resident told this newspaper that they were disappointed as the Minister was evidently unprepared to offer any guidance on the issues highlighted.
Of a total of 20 youths, only six received their stimulus grant of $50,000. The resident said that the Minister encouraged them to use the grant to improve their businesses. He also encouraged residents to embark upon the plantain chips business and stated that the Government should request that the youths return the grant if their business fails.
Meanwhile, the community’s Community Development Council and those across the Matarkai sub-district have ended their term since February 2019 and the Chairman is still functioning.
This was of major concern for residents who said they were confused and as a result raised same to the Minister; however, he had no response.
Also among the issues highlighted to the Minister was that following the Local Government Elections (LGE), a representative from the Pakera/Heaven Hill Constituency in Matthew’s Ridge is yet to be sworn in on the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC).

The representative, Wayne Williams, was expected to be sworn in since December 12, 2018, but this was not done and as a result, the community remains unrepresented.
Guyana Times understands that Williams did not show up at the swearing in ceremony and has never shown interest. As a result, residents have enquired the reason for not replacing Williams, but they have not received a response. The residents brought this up before the Minister who was not in a position to address the issue.
A resident, who attended Monday’s meeting, said the meeting lacked substance and it appeared as if the Minister visited the community to “show face” and campaign. “The Minister didn’t come with a plan. He had no answers to anything residents inquired about. He only kept taking notes and said he will get back to us and he will look into it. Nothing substantial and this was not good enough at all. We waited so long for a meeting and then it turned out to be this. The Minister went to give a campaign speech and only tried to convince the residents that the illegal Government was legal because this is mainly what his remarks were about,” the resident said.
Residents of Matthew’s Ridge earlier this week accused the coalition Government of neglect, noting that prior to the elections, it has made countless promises to them in return for their votes, but four years after, they are yet to see any of those promises fulfilled.
Residents of Matthew’s Ridge outlined a number of issues that continue to affect them on a daily basis. High unemployment rate, land titling issues, lack of access to potable water for some residents, lack of proper electricity and discrimination by APNU officials if complaints are levied against them are among the issues the residents complained of.
“They aren’t responding to our concerns. We asking all the time because the residents are suffering. No one remembers Matthew’s Ridge. It appears that we don’t even exist. When we see ministers and so visiting Region One it’s always Mabaruma, Moruca or Port Kaituma and those places but never here. This is unacceptable. The residents are very dissatisfied because we give them a fair chance. We know what we have to do in the upcoming elections,” a resident told the Guyana Times.
They admitted that the Government holds meeting in the community but only for their supporters.