
Dear Editor,
The recent ‘quick inspections’ deemed a ‘compliance survey’ of vessels traversing the Essequibo and Mazaruni Rivers by the authorizing agency unearthed several breaches by operators (INews February 10). Defaulters were lectured to and given time to get their operations compliant with the laws and regulations.
In short, defaulting operators were granted what amounts to an amnesty.
Reading the article, reference was drawn to a BBC article on the recent horrific earthquake in Turkiye (Turkey) in particular, and why and how so many high-rise buildings, deemed safe against earthquakes, collapsed like a pack of cards. Chief among the several reasons proffered was periodic ‘construction amnesties’ – legal exemption of penalties for structures built without following the required safety codes and requirements.
Now people are trapped and have died underneath these same buildings that were granted amnesty. A lesson here for our waterways’ amnesties?

Shamshun Mohamed