Home Letters An exercise of colossal time-wasting and massive public deception
Dear Editor,
Once again the Georgetown Municipality has embarked on an exercise of colossal time-wasting and massive public deception. And by this I refer to the preparation of its estimates of revenue and expenditure for 2017. Up until now the 2016 budget has not been presented, nor made public. What has been made public is a fancy budget speech, but no facts and figures.
But this seems to be in keeping with a trend developing at the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Georgetown, and that is making all of its documents which should be public record, into highly classified documents. The notorious parking meter contract is still a top secret document and so is the 2016 budget. In fact, all of their accounting records are top secret as they have not been audited and qualified for over a decade.
But the time-wasting and deception has to do with the usual fancy plans and programmes, this time with the talk by City officials of a Green Economy, ensuring efficient and effective solid waste management, enhancing the Engineer’s Department to deal with the increasing high-rise buildings, designing cycling lanes, etc. All pipe dreams and poppycock!
When all is said and done all that will happen is that the Council will continue to be insolvent and penniless in 2017 as they usually are. This is of course, if no forensic audit is held; an exercise that will allow for the capturing and prosecuting of all responsible at the top.
Debra Gibson