An Opposition of negatives

Dear Editor,
The Opposition and all its operatives are dogmatically naysayers, they are so stuck in time that they have me painstakingly looking for an area or project, in which they have supported the PPP/C Government. I have given up the search and have settled on the conclusion that we have an opposition that will put down everything The Government has put forward as a plan of action; it also tells me that they are prepared to put the country down.
It is wishful thinking that any positives will come from Opposition Quarters, as one opposition member made the bellicose statement,” The Opposition is there to vote down everything,” they are there to ensure that nothing the government does succeeds. In his political blindness, he further said “The only time democracy was at work was when Ramotar was president, when everything he put forward, even his budget, was voted down.
So, I responded by asking him the question, weren’t those programs voted down by The Opposition beneficial to the nation? He was bereft of an answer when I posited that question, but the blinding rage in that supporter propelled him on, he could not see any way forward only negatives and a firm gridlock. That control freak nature of theirs is present with us today, even if it means that our country is the sacrificial victim.
And so, it has been ever since an uncompromising, incorrigible opposition who would rather sacrifice the country for their own narrow political gains, is this the way a country should be governed? I think not, because it meant that we would have been stuck in time never to see progress or development, and for this same reason the people of Guyana voted on the side of development and forward thinking in the 2020 Election.
What the opposition needs to know is they are part of the government, that is why we have a parliament where educated and fruitful discussions are held to bring forth valuable progressive ideas for the future. As such the opposition should take ample opportunity to support the government rather than being obstructionists, mired in backwardness.
The Opposition can also be viewed as the government in waiting, therefore every opportunity that presents itself in the national interest should be supported, in normal language opposition should embark on a vigorous path of patriotism. But that support is woefully lacking, hence, the mistrust the people of this country have for them; simply put, we cannot trust them! They can go full speed ahead and destroy themselves, we could care less but do not bring our country down with your foolishness.
Lest I forget, the only area that The Opposition can claim that they supported the government was the border issue, and that is because they had no choice. For them to have opposed the government’s stand on the border matter, would be a reprehensible act, unforgiven by the people of this country.
But Guyana has moved forward leaving them behind, The Opposition’s negatives will not, I repeat, will not hinder the futuristic goals for our country, we will move this country forward irrespective of the negatives.

Neil Adams