Home Letters An urgent call for authorities to address irresponsible actions of weeding machine...
Dear Editor,
Please allow me space in your letters’ columns to bring a matter for urgent attention of the authorities. The issue rewlates to weeding machine operators who undertaken works along the roadside and other areas close to where persons walk or drive.
Editor, in the past, several persons have complained about having their vehicles damaged or their persons hit by bricks and other objects through the actions of weeders. As recent as last Thursday, the Parika NDC-contracted workers were doing work, and an object pitched and damage a car. The driver of the vehicle was very frustrated, as no one wanted to take responsibility to repay for the damages.
I heard of another incident in which a brick pitched up and hit an elderly man to his shoulder as he was sitting in a vehicle while someone was weeding. He is currently facing life-threatening damages to his shoulder, which he has to live with forever.
In all of these cases, there is no compensation or anything being offered, as the persons doing the job were contracted by other individuals and companies, and are firm in their view that nothing can be done about their actions. All this is happening because there is not in place any legislation that would hold persons accountable for operating in this manner.
This happens regularly, and the authorities must do something urgently to address the situation. In other countries, when weeding is being done in highly populated areas, a net would be erected as a barrier between the person weeding and passersby and vehicles etc. This is standard safety practice in other countries, and Guyana must adopt same. We cannot go on being backward, as now our country is moving at a rapid pace of development.
Also, the time these weeders start working in the mornings, especially on weekends, is another matter, and I would not delve into that at this time. Suffice to say that it must be addressed, as it is a nuisance to persons who are tired and want to get their rest.
I am therefore calling on the authorities to have in place the necessary legislation that would make it mandatory for all involved in weeding or cleaning to ensure that these safety methods are employed to protect life and property.
Yours sincerely,
M Persaud