…off to the CCJ
And no, Dorothy, this is no Yellow Brick Road that’ll lead to the Emerald City to find a Wizard who’ll explain everything. After all, we’ve been down this road before, haven’t we?? Ah…you remember, don’t you, Dear Reader?? Was that time when all the rulers in the land were gathered to decide the fate of our dear Mudland and the PNC mavens were stumped by that abstruse mathematical conundrum that rivalled the Poincaré Conjecture. What was the majority of 65?
The idiots in the Opposition had proposed that since the PNC had captured the Government back in 2015 because they had 33 seats to form a majority in the 65-member House, the answer was 33. What dunderheads!! This was a MATHEMATICAL question, insisted the PNC and, as pointed out by a local Einstein, if you applied it to human affairs, you’d have to chop humans into halves and join them up later. Cause when you’re dealing with humans, a simple majority wouldn’t do – you needed something called an absolute” majority – which evidently involved the aforementioned dismemberments! A pretty messy business, all around!!
Anyhow, the Lords of the CCJ over in the Land of Carnival didn’t so much solve our problem as tell us in so many words that we ought to settle our business among ourselves since the question posed about “majorities” really needed no “gloss”. Which was just their fancy way of saying that any idiot could’ve solved it. And not even an idiot savant!! So, we returned home and of course, nothing was solved! So here we are, going back for a repeat performance – this time to ask what’s the difference between “more votes than” and “more valid votes than”.
Another deep and philosophical question, obviously. Your Eyewitness assumes it has to do with that word “valid” which the PNC got the Court of Appeal to insert into the Constitution. But what does your Eyewitness know since he figures it’ll be just like those votes which got the PNC elected back in 2015. GECOM had pronounced those votes valid then so why couldn’t they do the same this time?? Or did the PNC slink into office with “invalid” votes??
But we do know that we’re just going around in circles, don’t we? As Burnham used to say, these objections about “majorities” and “valid votes”, etc, are merely the OCCASION for the war – not the CAUSE of the war!!
And it IS a war – one fought by rules that the PNC makes up as it goes along. The sooner the PPP realises this, the quicker we’ll have a solution.
The Yellow Brick Road was always there – just go past the PNC’s bullshit.
…waiting on Claudette
The absurdist play “Waiting for Godot” came out the same year we had our first elections using universal franchise. It was about two fellas talking about everything under the sun – which just illustrates the meaninglessness of life – as they wait for a friend Godot, to arrive. He never does. The two chaps could well have been Cheddi and Forbes – today represented by Jagdeo and Granger – waiting for their friend “Justice” to arrive.
Today, that’s represented by GECOM Chair Claudette who’s supposed to show up and impose some order on the chaos unfolding out of the elections. Elections are supposed to solve the problems in our dear land, no?? Problem is, they’re literally CONTESTED events!! Can’t get more divisive than that!! And for this reason, we agreed to a system where someone agreeable to both sides would be the umpire, so to speak.
Problem is, Claudette seems too coquettish about her role. She seems not wanting to displease either side. She doesn’t have to.
Just dismiss Lowenfield’s concoction and dispense justice!!
…with the cad and bounder
Granger might’ve been an officer, but he was never a gentleman. No gentleman would play the kind of dirty pool like him from the moment he assumed office on the backs of the AFC.
Even if they were willing to be doormats.