And they’re off …for 2025!

The PNC and their motley camp followers launched their campaign for the 2025 elections on Saturday. OK…your Eyewitness knows those elections are almost two years away; but from what he heard their leader Aubrey Norton scream, he was channelling his Founder Leader Burnham from a most critical juncture in our nation’s history. To leave no doubt as to his intentions, Norton gathered the faithful at Burnham Court at the Parade Ground opposite the Promenade Gardens!! This was the same place where Burnham had gathered his faithful on Feb 15, 1962 to harangue them with his coded message on violence!!
According to the CoI report into Black Friday, at the Parade Ground, Burnham “began by congratulating his listeners on the splendid performance of the morning, when there had been a wholesale breach of the (Riot Act) proclamation. (He) criticised the unsympathetic attitude of the Volunteer Force and of the Police. In his peroration, he declared that a Government could not be got rid of by merely saying “Resign” or “Down with Jagan”. “Those are useful and helpful slogans, but much more than slogans are required in the present circumstances. Comrades, first of all, let me say this, that the PNC sees the way clearly, step by step and phase by phase. All I can tell you is this, that it is no sense taking part in this explosion which has happened at this moment if you are going to peter out or turn back half way. You have to see it through…
“I believe that the PNC knows what we all want and knows how we will seek to achieve what we all want; but one thing I know you do not want, one thing I know the PNC will not countenance, and that is violence. Comrades, violence we shall never start, because we are a peaceful people. If there is to be violence, let others start it, not the PNC; but Comrades, they shall not pass.” The next day, of course, Black Friday exploded!! Half of the Business District was razed to the ground, and Guyana saw the most massive looting in its history. The PNC faithful were so pumped up that grannies were photographed fetching away refrigerators on their heads!!
Well, this is how Aubrey Norton exhorted the faithful: “Don’t rule out (the PPP) going to violence to stay in power. When we finish beatin dem, we goin got to tek dem on. Look, every day they producing a security company; every day a security company; but they must remember merely having guns does not guarantee you victory. He who can handle the gun is in a better position.”
Old people did say: “A hint o Beneba mek Quashie tek notice”.

…for world #1
It’s been a while in the making, but the race between the old king of the hill – the US – and the new challenger on the block – the Peoples Republic of China – is truly on!! On the size of their economies, the Chinese will pip the US within the decade. And from that platform can come military and diplomatic dominance. The US still outspends China militarily, but with the former’s economy turned into a Rust Belt – when they exported their factories to China – that’s unsustainable!!
After WWII, the US had parlayed its rebuilding of war-ravaged Europe and Japan to take over the pole position from Britain (no longer “Great”!!) The Bretton Woods IMF and World Bank sisters solidified its control over the global financial system – while the UN was the sop allowing the rest of the world to vent!! Well, China’s Belt and Road global infrastructure has topped Bretton Woods!! And with BRICS, is assiduously creating an alternative to the dollar!!
But the US ain’t rolling over!!

As part of its rearguard strategy to remain #1, the US has decided to take out China’s erstwhile ally, Russia. So we hear the Nordic and Baltic States are preparing to stop the Ruskies – after the fall of Ukraine!!