Anna Regina Secondary top CSEC student receives pre-med scholarship from TAU

Anna Regina Secondary School top Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) student, Kelly Sankar was on Monday presented with her scholarship from the Texila American University.
Due to her exceptional performance of achieving 16 Grade Ones and four Grade Twos, Sankar was granted a full tuition pre-medical scholarship by TAU to pursue studies for the Doctor of Medicine programme at the University.
Dean of the College of Medicine at TAU, Dr Dheeraj Bansal told Sankar at a ceremony hosted at the university that her experience at the university will be like no other. He said that the university is very proud of the diversity of its student body.

Chief Education Officer, Dr Marcel Hutson presenting the scholarship award to Kelly Sankar

“This kind of diversity is rare to be seen and it is a wonderful opportunity to learn about different cultures and to respect different cultures, this will help you develop as a global citizen because not everyone in the world has the opportunity to have such close interaction with different concepts and beliefs from different parts of the world,” Dr Bansal said.
He urged that during her time at the university she not only develop compassion for people in the profession but during the day-to-day life. He said that studying medical education is not only about studying all the time but it is also about the development of one’s personality to become a good person and that the programme at the TAU is designed to achieve this.

Dean of the College of Medicine at TAU, Dr Dheeraj Bansal

Chief Education Officer (CEO), Dr Marcel Hutson, who presented the scholarship to Sankar said that the university has been instrumental in promoting the study of medicine in Guyana. He said that it is incumbent on new students to keep a rich tradition alive by desiring to be the best doctor they can be.
He told Sankar that she can serve as a catalyst for change to draw more students of high quality and standard to the institution so that it will continue to grow and expand. Dr Hutson also urged her to remember to give back to her community when she is successful.
He thanked the university on behalf of Education Minister Priya Manickchand and staff of the Ministry for awarding the scholarship to the student.