Another 2 soldiers busted with 316lbs ganja

Less than two weeks after two Sergeants attached to the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) were intercepted at Coverden, East Bank Demerara (EBD) with 154lbs of ganja, another two ranks were busted on Saturday evening while transporting 316 pounds of the illicit plant.
Based on reports received, the two ranks – Edward McCalmont,40, a Corporal attached to Camp Ayanganna who resides at Kaneville, EBD and John Johnson, 24, a Lance Corporal attached to Base Camp Stephenson and of Timehri, EBD, were travelling in a Route 42 minibus when it was intercepted in the vicinity of Space Gym, Mandela Avenue, Georgetown.

The two army ranks after their arrest

Police stated that acting on information received, ranks from Special Branch and other ranks went to Mandela Avenue, where they intercepted the minibus bearing registration number, BTT 27 owned by McCalmont who was in the driver’s seat.
Johnson was reportedly in the front passenger’s seat.

The cannabis found in the minibus

The two GDF ranks were informed that they were stopped based on intelligence received that they were trafficking in narcotics. As such, the Police searched the vehicle during which 49 well-wrapped parcels containing cannabis were found on the seats.
The two ranks were arrested and escorted to the East La Penitence Police Station, where the ganja was weighed. The minibus was impounded and the GDF ranks were placed in custody as investigations continue.

Sergeants Adisa Higgins and Clovis Sam, who were charged for trafficking in narcotics last week

Guyana Times understands that the two ranks were clad in GDF clothing, but were allowed to change into civilian clothing before they were profiled. This was done, allegedly to not embarrass the Defence Force.
Just Tuesday last, Sergeants Clovis Sam, 31, of Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, and 42-year-old Adisa Higgins from Wismar Housing Scheme, Linden were charged and remanded to prison for having 154lbs of ganja in their possession.

The cannabis found in the minibus

It was reported that the two Sergeants were busted during a joint intelligence-led operation involving the Special Branch and Regional Division 4B. It was reported that on July 18 at Coverden, EBD, the two ranks were travelling in a vehicle belonging to the Defence Force when it was discovered that they were transporting 22 parcels of cannabis.
They were subsequently arrested, charged and remanded to prison until August 12, 2024.