…in the rigging circus
In the states, if asked how your day was, to signal it was pretty routine, some would respond with a figurative or actual shrug, “Another day, another dollar!” Well, for Guyanese, after March 3rd, we’d have to say, “Another day, another twist on the rigging front!”
After the last-ditch effort with the injunction to derail the recount, the PNC bought some time till Friday, when the affected parties will rebut to have it discharged.
But, in the morning after, some folks were still scratching their heads that Justice Holder would issue an injunction in a matter that’s riveted the attention of the world (only slight hyperbole!) so cavalierly! Immediately, one of the attorneys on the petition screamed, “Wasn’t me!!” In our small Guyana pond, does Holder expect us to believe he didn’t realise there was a “Case of an Absent Attorney”?? No wonder Basil Williams – a legal dim bulb, if ever there was one – dissed him in open court!!
Another development was one advanced by the Caricom head, Mia Mottley, who told Granger after the Caricom oversight team for the recount had to leave: “It is clear that there are FORCES that do not want to see the votes recounted for whatever reason.” Well, let’s take the second point first: “for WHATEVER reason”? Listen, there’s only one reason for all this sturm and drang – to “give David another term”!! Isn’t that what the PNC campaigned for??
Then we come to the mysterious “forces” behind the said tragedy-that-is-a-farce. This one has taken on some traction. Granger, “honest and decent man with integrity”, is now under the sway of some Svengali-like “faction” who’re now pulling the strings for him not to go ahead and “do the right thing”.
All your Eyewitness can say is “bollocks!!” Even if there were something to this – and your Eyewitness doesn’t for a moment think so – then Granger had it coming to him!!
At the PNC’s 2011 Biennial Congress, when he was made “PNC Leader”, didn’t Granger allow the Georgetown membership led by Volda Lawrence (who’d rigged out Aubrey Norton in 2009!!) to rig him in – after the deal he cut with Robert Corbin??
What did he expect?? Did he start to believe all the BS about him and his unctuous image as being their “Leader”?? Hell, it was an investment the hardliners made, and they want their returns when the oil money starts rolling in!!
So, your Eyewitness will have none of this “factions” business to explain the blatant rigging the world is seeing. There are factions in every party; heck, there are factions in every family!!
Wasn’t it a “faction” that unilaterally appointed Patterson to fix the rig!!
Granger wants to rig the election and have it too!!
…another power grab
In George Orwell’s classic dissection of the totalitarian imperative, ‘1984’, he describes several stratagems dictators will deploy to control the “proles”. One of them was “perpetual war”, which justifies controls being imposed on every aspect of the peoples’ lives. And war becomes “peace”!! Burnham used the Venezuelan border controversy after 1969 to build his Disciplined Forces to such levels that almost every citizen had his own soldier “guarding” him. And ballot boxes!!
Well, Granger’s built up his Disciplined Forces almost back to Burnhamite strength. But no war was in sight!! The COVID-19 crisis, then, became a god-sent opportunity, and Granger didn’t waste any time. Even while everyone was focused on the elections’ hijinks, Granger gazetted a directive under the Public Health Ordinance that pretty much made Public Health Minister Volda Lawrence more powerful than General George MacArthur in Japan, as Supreme Commander after the Americans dropped their 2 atomic bombs!!
The Police can now seize your property, burn your belongings, and detain you on suspicion of having any infectious disease!!
…another supplication
Last Christmas, Volda Lawrence invoked Jesus Christ at the MoPH to be “in charge”. Not taking any chances, last Sunday at Seven Ponds, she invoked Burnham as “Odo” and the “Kabaka”.
To help with the elections rigging!!