Another man remanded for theft of over $5M in items from liquor store

When he appeared before the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Friday, Ulric Edwards, who is charged with breaking into Shabana & Sons Liquor Mart & General Store and stealing cash and items worth over $5 million, was remanded to prison.
Three charges for the offence of break and enter and larceny were read to him by Senior Magistrate Leron Daly, who denied him bail, citing the value of the stolen items.
Police stated that between August 18 and 19, Edwards allegedly broke into the business place at James Street, Albouystown, Georgetown, and stole $4,465,000 in cash, $1 million worth of GTT and Digicel phone cards, a $60,000 Xbox, $300,000 in cigarettes, and two cell phones worth a combined $40,000.

Remanded: Ulric Edwards

The stolen items belonged to Merle Khan, Bibi Mohamed, and Jessica Singh.
Edwards, who was unrepresented by legal counsel, denied all the charges.
The Police prosecutor made reference to the seriousness of the offence, the amount of money involved, and the fact that Edwards was seen breaking into the location on CCTV when opposing bail for this accused.
His fingerprints were also found at the crime scene, said the prosecutor. He will return to court on November 24.

Remanded: Akeem Marshall

Only last week, another man, Akeem Marshall, a 28-year-old father of one, was remanded for the same offence. He appeared before Magistrate Rhondell Weever at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
Marshall pleaded not guilty to all of the charges and was not assisted by a legal counsel. The defendant was ultimately refused bail and remanded until November 10.
Marshall has previously been accused of armed robbery. According to sources, the charges against him were dismissed because the Police did not hold a proper identification parade.