Dear Editor,
Carjacking is a scourge that has gripped Guyana in recent years, and those that benefit from this nefarious trade seem determined to win at all cost. At the present moment, their criminal network seems altogether secure; after all, the criminal proceeds are good, vehicles are in abundance and are easy for the taking. You just stake out your victim and violently take away what is the victim’s. It is a lucrative trade for the thieves in that they can either become instant owners of a vehicle or the illegal recipients of a hot sale. In either case, the carjackers are unjustly enriched from criminal enterprise. This practice has gone on for too long, and it is high time to bring it to an end.
Recently, the Guyana Police have made some arrests wherein some key figures are now facing charges for this newest form of grand theft. Those busts by lawmen are a welcome respite to many an aggrieved vehicle owner, whose hard-earned investment was so violently taken away from him/her. They can now breathe a sigh of relief that, at least right now, their vehicles — some of them their only means of earning a living — are at least, for the moment, shielded from theft. This is a huge success story.
Now, while we can pat ourselves on the shoulders for the inroads made in this carjacking ring, there is still much more ground to cover. For starters, the knowledge we now have suggests a whole new world of racketeering out there, with many twists and turns; and the sooner we can get each opening blocked, the better. Our investigations will now take us right up to the top of the chain, at the licensing office.
I speak of those licensing officials, whether at the GRA or the Licensing Office. How did the carjackers get through? How did they get a clean bill of ownership? The legal aspects of certifying the vehicle for road usage must be adhered to. Important information as to how the operator got ownership of the vehicle, whether it was from a dealer or from a previous owner; what is the chassis number, among other things. Those having improper or bogus documentation, or chassis numbers that have been tampered with, must face the full weight of the law.
In like manner, those corrupt officials must atone for their illegal transactions. To process stolen vehicles and make them appear to be legal is a crime, and the GPF needs to charge and haul all such officers before the courts. That illegal gateway where carjackers have been creating havoc in society needs to be tightly shut right now.
Neil Adams