ANUG executives see no conflict of interest

Dear Editor,
Insinuations were made that the leadership of the smaller, we prefer to say newer, parties have placed themselves in conflict of interest positions by accepting advisory roles with the present PPP/C Government.
We take this opportunity to inform your readers and the nation at large of a few things which have occurred recently within A New and United Guyana (ANUG) political party. They are as follows:
1. Mr Ralph Ramkarran, on August 5th 2020, informed the ANUG executives that he would not be seeking re-election as General Secretary of the party at the upcoming elections. He encouraged the executives to hold the election of new office bearers as early as possible within the parameters of the COVID-19 regulations.
2. Mr Ramkarran, on August 12th 2020, informed the ANUG executives that he had received correspondence from the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Ms. Gail Teixeira, requesting the submission of the names of five (5) ANUG representatives for inclusion on the boards of state agencies. ANUG views this as an early step towards inclusive governance by the new governing party. Mr Ramkarran recommended that ANUG accept the offer, since it presented an opportunity for the promotion of transparency and accountability within the realm of the state apparatus.
3. Mr Ramkarran, on August 17th 2020, informed the ANUG executives that he was asked by the PPP/C Government to continue to serve as an Advisor on Border Issues to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
For the following reasons, the ANUG executives see no conflict of interest with Mr Ramkarran accepting the position of Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and serving the present Government and the people of Guyana:
A: This is a position in which he has served for the past twenty-six (26) years under both the APNU/AFC and the previous PPP/C governments. This is a position in which Mr Ramkarran has vast experience, and remains an asset to any Guyanese Government.
B: Mr Ramkarran will not be seeking re-election as General Secretary of ANUG at its next internal election of office bearers.
C: Mr Ramkarran will not be representing ANUG in Parliament when ANUG assumes its seat as per the Joinder Agreement.
It is for the above reasons that we, the ANUG executives, support Mr Ramkarran’s acceptance of the offered position as Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and anticipate that he would provide sterling support to the Minister in whatever capacity required.

Yours sincerely,
Jonathan Yearwood,
Nadia Sagar,
Mark France,
Laura Singh,
Akanni Blair,
Aruna Budhram,
Carlos Gonsalves