Home Letters APNU/AFC Budget 2019 failed to address the depressed communities
Dear Editor,
The Theme of the 2019 Budget ‘Transforming the Economy, Empowering People, Building Sustainable Communities for a Good Life’, could have been considered impressive if those objectives outlined could be achieved throughout the length and breadth of this shattered nation after almost four years of mismanagement and incompetence by APNU/AFC coalition Government.
This APNU/AFC Government has elevated incompetence to the highest possible level where “incompetence” is being worshipped by the President, Prime Minister, Ministers of Government, APNU/AFC Members of Parliament and whenever and wherever they give speeches they attempt to glorify the perceived “good life”.
The leader of the opposition Dr Bharrat Jagdeo and Opposition Members of Parliament highlighted the inefficiencies, deficiencies, corruption and mismanagement that existed in the 2019 Budget. The Budget presentation by the Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has expanded the cracks to now huge holes in the failed APNU/AFC Government.
Berbice (Region six) can be considered the most affected region in the entire country, since the targeted demolition of the two sugar estates (Rose Hall and Skeldon Estate) left its 5000 workers on the bread line. The people of Region six were hoping that this 300.7 billion dollars 2019 Budget would have at least initiated the revitalisation of the sugar industries, subsidised the water or electricity, or even created investments that would assist in absorbing the thousands of laid off workers in Region six.
The sugar workers’ situation is worsened with each passing day, for example a few days ago sugar workers (Rose Hall Estate) of Canefield East Canje; their water supply was disconnected by GWI for a meager $3000 and would need $7000 to be reconnected, with increasing pressure, it can be considered “criminal” by this APNU/AFC coalition Government.
The Central Government continues to trample regional authorities in executing projects in the region because of the fear of the region exposing their corruption.
Millions are being spent for the installation and maintenance of street lights in region six, but unfortunately, as soon as you cross the Berbice bridge a road block welcomes you by the Public Security Minister and the Guyana Police Force, but only three of the fifteen street lights are working and as such you cannot even see the police or the road barriers during the night. What is even worse, is the Canje Bridge only having five of twenty lights in working order, the nurses from New Amsterdam Public Hospital use this bridge almost every night. Unfortunately the various Ministers blame the regional authorities for their deficiencies.
This APNU/AFC coalition Government is trying to build a first world country on a donkey cart economy. Ross Perot said “The Budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced and the arrogance of public officials should be controlled”.
Zamal Hussain