APNU/AFC used parliamentary majority since 2011 to stifle development – Jagdeo
As elections loom, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) on Sunday took its rally to Mabaruma in Region One (Barima-Waini), where General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo urged the residents vote PPP/C into power.
In listing reasons to vote for the party, Jagdeo advised persons to reflect on the development under the previous PPP/C Administration as compared to the current A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition.
In fact, he said the APNU/AFC should be judged based on their performance from 2011, when they controlled the National Assembly with a one-seat majority.
“They won the Parliament and used they used that majority in Parliament from 2011 to 2015 to cut $90 billion from the budget. Money for Amerindian development, money for hinterland airstrips, money for scholarships, etc.”
“So, they’ve been controlling the Parliament from 2011 to 2020…so we have to judge them over a longer period,” Jagdeo reasoned.
One area which he called to focus was the strides made by each Administration to advance efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change.
“He [President David Granger] talks about a Green State Economy and his Green State Economy is painting buildings green.”
Under the Granger-led Administration, a number of public buildings have been painted green – the colour associated with the APNU. Among these buildings even include State House – a heritage building which falls under the National Trust.
Granger, when he was asked by media operatives about painting State House green, had declared “Guyana is going green!”
Jagdeo, a former President, compared this to his flagship Low Cardon Development Strategy (LCDS) that earned some US$200 million.
Another aspect he urged residents to consider is the treatment of the village leaders and Toshaos.
“When the Toshaos come to Georgetown, they will be respected. Like how we used to sit with them for two days, as President, I would sit two full days with the Toshaos and the Ministers.
“Now they come to Georgetown and they are treated with disregard. Granger comes, he makes a speech and then disappears,” Jagdeo outlined.
Regarding the economy, the PPP/C General Secretary flayed the APNU/AFC Administration for the tax burdens on the communities in Region One.
He reflected on the days under the PPP/C Administration when the region was exempted from paying tax on fuel, and reminded the residents that this measure was reversed by the current Government.
“We never collected taxes here, we gave an instruction to the GRA [Guyana Revenue Authority] that life is hard in these communities, if you collect taxes on goods coming in here, it would increase the cost of living. And after March 2, once again, you are going to enjoy that tax-free status in this region,” Jagdeo declared.
The PPP/C has outlined a number of initiatives it plans to embark upon once it assumes office after the upcoming polls. These are all included in the party’s manifesto, which it continues to urge persons to peruse.
Among these initiatives are the reversal and removal of a wide range of taxes, and, the reinstation of the cash grant for students and subsidies for the elderly.
Moreover, Jagdeo posited that the PPP/C will keep in touch with the people and continue to listen to their needs.
“The week after the Government changes, you will see us back in the villages working to change the lives of the people,” he assured.
In fact, he pointed out that the party has always been true to its word and that it has the relevant knowledge and competence to govern a country.
“We believe we have to run our country for all of our people, regardless of their race and their religion and that is why we lasted so long in office,” Jagdeo said, referring to the party’s 23 years in Government.