Former People’s National Congress (PNC) Member of Parliament and current Linden Town Councillor, Vanessa Kissoon, has alleged that incumbent PNC Leader Aubrey Norton had threatened to rape her at gun point.
Incumbent PNC Leader Aubrey Norton
The shocking revelation was made by Kissoon in both video and printed statements, in which she claimed that while the two were alone in his vehicle after a funeral in Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) Norton locked the car doors, showed her his gun and made the threats.
Former PNC MP Vanessa Kissoon
Since the revelation of the incident, Norton has come out to deny all allegations, denying that he was ever alone in a vehicle with Kissoon and calling on the former MP to come out and speak to the issue.
In her statements release shortly after Norton’s denial, Kissoon said she had confided the incident to third parties “sometime back”, hence why the it has now been leaked, something Kissoon maintains she did not approve of or consent to.
“Despite what Mr Norton is now alleging, I have travelled in Mr Norton’s car and under what I considered to be a threat to use a firearm which he had in his possession and showed to me,” Kissoon said in her statement.
“Mr Norton stopped his car, locked it, showed me his gun in his foot and asked me, “If I put this to your head and rape you, what would you do?” I responded by saying, ” I ain’t afraid of you or that sk*nt and you will have to f*cking kill me.”
Kissoon noted that, Norton did not carry out his threat. She described the traumatised state those threats nevertheless left her in and also urged members in the party to lay aside political considerations and do the right thing.
“Mr Norton did not carry out his threats or desires, but I have carried the burden of this threat, disrespect and violation for years. I did tell a few of my close confidantes. Mr Norton has never been anything more to me than just a political comrade. Mr Norton may have missed the times we are in and the value placed in protecting women and girls. No one should be subjected to such inappropriate sexual advances and threats.”
“To those men and women who have allowed politics and not what is right to influence your judgment of the situation, you have a lot to learn about abuse and sexual misconduct. I recall how vigorously some of you went after other accused but how you let down your own. Our party, our nation, needs more enlightenment and a nonpartisan approach to actions of this nature,” Kissoon further said.
She also recalled her service to the party and the expectations placed on her to do the right thing. Kissoon also urged other victims of sexual violence to learn from her example and to take control of their stories… least others do so for them.
“PNCR Party members, supporters, fellow Guyanese, I have served the people of this country with pride at the highest level of decision making. Many women, young people, persons of all ages, class and races look to me for leadership and expect me to do what is right. I am committed to their expectations of me as a female advocate and role model, a politician, a teacher, and most of all a mother.”
“Since my story has gone public without me initiating it, as it was my right, I state that was wrong, regardless of motive. Being forced to deal with this publicly as a result of the actions of another hurts. I can only say to those who like me are victims, do not make the same mistake as me. Take control of your experiences before others do so for you,” Kissoon said.
On Wednesday, Norton in a video statement denied the allegations. Norton, who is currently vying to be reelected as Leader of the PNC on June 30, against the likes of Amanza Walton-Desir and Roysdale Forde, SC., sought to link the allegations to his candidacy and made it clear that he has instructed his lawyers to take legal action.
“I saw a malicious and false post… contending that there’s some allegation of sexual harassment against me. I repeat, it is false and malicious. I wish to make it clear that at no point in my life did Sharma Solomon (PNC member & current Linden Mayor) ever ask me to drop Vanessa Kissoon to Linden. Secondly, at no time were Vanessa Kissoon and I in any vehicle alone, heading to Linden.”
“All of these claims are false and malicious. I wish to call on Sharma Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon to speak to this issue, since failure to do so may suggest that they’re complicit in this false and malicious post.”
According to Norton, he sees the allegations as a political plot designed to derail his campaign for leadership of the party. He also pointed out that the person who first leaked the allegations, is known to be campaigning for one of the candidates for leadership.