Elderly couple terrorised by armed men during home invasion

The elderly parents of television personality and activist, Neaz Subhan, were left traumatised after five bandits, two of whom were armed with handguns, broke into their home in the wee hours of Friday.
The incident occurred at Lot A Craig, East Bank Demerara; home to 72-year-old Mohamed Subhan, a pensioner; and his 83-year-old wife, Khairool Subhan, who is bedridden due to medical issues.

The contents that were emptied from the wardrobe

According to Police reports, the robbery occurred sometime around 02:10h during which the bandits escaped with a 32″ flat screen TV valued $70,000.
Speaking with Guyana Times, the elder Subhan recalled that he was awakened after his wife was in some discomfort and after giving her medication, he returned to bed. The man said he was still awake when he noticed a pair of hands on the window.
“I thought was a bat opened its wing and on the window but when I get up, I see the window open and when I look outside, I didn’t see anybody. By the time I go back inside the room and was about to lie down, a man pounced on me,” he recounted.
Subhan said he saw the man approaching him and yelled three times before he was silenced by the intruder.
“He covered my mouth and put a gun to my head saying ‘don’t holla, don’t holla’. He asked where the money deh and I tell he that I don’t have money that my wife paralysed, then he said that he know that she paralysed. Then he and the other guys, they go and tumble up the whole house. They were going to break the wardrobe but I tell them where the key was and they open it and empty out all the clothes but they didn’t get anything,” he related.

The distraught man further recalled that the men left the room and sometime after, the landline began to ring and when he came out the bedroom to take the call, the men had already left, taking the television and a cellphone with them.
According to Subhan, subsequent checks around the house revealed that the perpetrators escaped through the door in the lower flat of the house after removing the protective bars.
Meanwhile, the man’s son, Neaz, related to  Guyana Times that his brother called and informed him that bandits had broken into their parents’ home and he immediately called 911 but was disappointed in the response he got.
“The phone rang for a while before someone picked up and I tried to relay what I was told happened. I was put on hold for what seems to be a while, and then when the person came back on the line they give me a number and told me to call the number, which is a Police station within the jurisdiction. But when I called the number, it wasn’t within jurisdiction, it was the station at Providence and they told me to call Grove Station. I then said ‘look, I don’t think I could go through all of this can you radio internally and get the message out that this happened and that officer I spoke with seemed cooperative,” he recalled.
Neaz continued that he eventually contacted the Grove Station and was told that they do not have any patrols and only two ranks were at the station so they could not provide any assistance.
“I was kind of disappointed in that but eventually I got through with a number for Operations at Brickdam and the person who answered was very helpful and the Police eventually came – although it was an hour and a half late,” he stated in dismay.
Nevertheless, an investigation has been launched.
This is the second robbery carried out on the elderly couple. Bandits had broken into the couple’s home in July of 2017; however, no one was ever apprehended from that burglary.