Police are investigating the robbery of G Sridat Service Station at Lot 1 New Road, Vreed-en-Hoop, West Coast Demerara (WCD), which left staff members traumatised but thankful for their lives.
According to information, around 18:15h on Saturday, two men, one armed with a gun, placed the night shift pump attendant and two security guards to lie face down and took their cell phones along with approximately ,000 in cash before making good their escape.
The G Sridat Service Station at Vreed-en-Hoop
The pump attendant, Raja (only name given) told Guyana Times that he was at the other end of the gas station selling diesel when one of the men entered the premises, while the other was on the road, and began enquiring about the price of lubricants. He added that the man first approached the security guards who told him to wait, since they were unaware of the prices.
“He wait till me come here to ask me, but me tell he to wait that me have two cars to sell and when me done sell the two cars, the other man on the road come in and he take out the gun and put the two watchman to lie down on the bench. Then the other one come and grab me hand and take me on the bench too and them clean me (money from pocket) out,” he related.
“The man them take about $40-$45,000 from me and them take one cell phone from the watchman and some money. It had a customer there that them man take $5000 from and he cell phone then them run out,” Raja added.
The man further stated that he has been working at the gas station for approximately five years and this was the first time that the facility has been robbed. He added that the entire ordeal lasted a mere five minutes.
He told this publication that the men were of African descent and medium build, while one was tall and the other short. Additionally, he said that it was the first time he saw the men, but he could identify them if they crossed paths again.
The Police also came in for some criticism since they demanded that the gas station be closed and the attendant venture to the Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station to make a report before the commencement of their investigation. The pump attendant related that he denied the request and the Police arrived on the scene approximately 30 minutes after the ordeal.
The Police say that their investigations are ongoing.