A Parika, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) miner was on Friday robbed of in excess of million in gold and equipment while returning home from a mining camp located along the Cuyuni River.
The incident occurred at about 04:30h at Aramu, Cuyuni River, when Ijaz Mohammed, 27, was exiting the backlands. Two masked bandits armed with what was described as AK-47s, reportedly pounced on the miner while he was on his motorcycle and demanded he hand over his valuables.
The armed bandits reportedly escaped with seven ounces of gold, an excavator fuel pump and his motorcycle. The young man’s father Shaheed Mohammed related that his son contacted him early Friday morning, and related what had occurred: “Well, this morning (Friday), about 04:45h my son called me and told me he get rob. Two gunmen run out the bush and stop him on the road,” he stated.
The father further explained that he was dissatisfied with the Police response to the report, saying that they were quite slow in reacting. He is however thankful that his son escaped unharmed.