An arrest warrant has been issued for the overseer attached to the Johns-Port Mourant Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), after she failed to make an appearance at the Whim Magistrate’s Court on Monday after being charged with assault.
The Overseer, Boodmattie Ramnarine is before the court for allegedly assaulting a Guyana Times and TVG reporter causing actual bodily harm on August 15, 2016

Boodmattie Ramnarine
at the Johns-Port Mourant NDC office.
Magistrate Charlyn Artiga ordered that the Overseer be allowed to go on $10,000 bail when she is arrested.
The case will come up again on April 11.
Meanwhile, following the adjournment of the court case, reporters in the region and vendors picketed the Whim Police Station against media harassment and the failure of the NDC and the Region Six Democratic Council to act.
The protesters demanded that the Overseer be sent on administrative leave.
Vendors at the market have for months complained of harassment and, as such, joined the protest calling for the removal of the Overseer.
Both the NDC and the Regional Administration have failed to address the issue after it was reported to the RDC back in August.

Deputy Regional Executive Officer (DREO) Claude Henry was asked to investigate the alleged assault on the reporter back in October last year and had failed to carry out the order of the RDC.
The DREO’s reluctance to investigate the alleged physical attack is being viewed by the reporters as an attack on press freedom by the RDC.
The reporters who all operate out of Berbice and represent all of the major media houses in Guyana are calling for protection as they investigate allegations of corruption at the Johns-Port Mourant NDC.
According to one reporter, the NDC has received in excess of $8 million in revenue over the past year and has only inserted one drainage tube in the community, while claiming that there is no money to carry out works. The reporters say it has now become unsafe for them to attempt to investigate the NDC when they use an average of $1000 daily travelling to cover the NDC.
Councillors attached to the NDC have reported that the Chairman has put a muzzle on them, making it an offence for them to approach the media on issues affecting the Johns-Port Mourant NDC.
Meanwhile, the media is also seeking to have the reporter away from the work arena while the matter is before the court. Vendors attached to the Port Mourant Market have provided information which suggests witness tampering in the matter. Some vendors are witnesses in the matter currently before the court.