Aspiring doctor tops Region 2 at NGSA

Eleven-year-old Alex Muntaz of CV Nunes Primary School, Anna Regina, secured 516 marks at the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) and ultimately the top spot in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).
The elated lad credited his hard work and dedication together with support from his parents for his success.
Muntaz is a quiet, easy-going person who has shown great potent

Region Two top NGSA student Alex Muntaz

ial at an early age. At his nursery school – Rainbow Nursery, he captured the top student position for all the years he spent there.
While at CV Nunes Primary he continued with his success story to top every class from Grade One to Grade Five. Now as top student for the Region, he was

rewarded a place at Queen’s College, but owing to circumstances beyond his control he will attend the Anna Regina Multilateral School.
The young man expressed his thanks to his parents, Reyaz and Rebeccah Muntaz, owners of Baby Doll Fashion. Although busy with their business, they found the time to assist him with his studies.
In addition, he thanked his teachers, especially Miss Nadie of CV Nunes Primary, and his lesson teacher, Sir Parmanan Jado, for being there for him.
When asked about his vacation plans he said that his parents are planning a trip to

Alex Muntaz with his sister and parents

Barbados, because he has already visited the USA, Aruba, Trinidad, and Suriname.
His advice to his fellow students is to work hard; keep away from bad company; be good to your parents, teachers and society; go to your place of worship and be an example to others. He hopes to one day become a medical doctor.