Attempts to split PPP/C leadership will fail

Dear Editor,
While many of Kaieteur News’ editorials are thoughtful and substantive, the one on June 15, 2023 is nothing short of plain mischievousness. The editorial follows a popular street-level line of discourse that says Vice President Jagdeo is too visible in the current administration. Kaieteur News could have been more responsible, by acknowledging that Dr. Jagdeo’s recent presence in the media is due to his role as General Secretary of the PPP, and his obvious duties as party leader during the LGE campaign and its immediate aftermath.
While the editorial assumes the posture of distance from everyday politics, no one who follows the media should be surprised that KN has doubled down in attacks against Jagdeo; that is a predictable occurrence where the ‘waterfall’ newspaper is concerned. But the editorial takes a further step, by insinuating that President Ali is somehow sidelined in his own administration.
Nothing could be further from the truth. If fact, the President has been so visible that people across all sections of society have been asking how he manages to keep up with what can only be described as an astounding level of public engagement. These engagements are not only with citizens through outreaches, but with foreign delegations, NGOs, multilateral institutions, the diplomatic corps, academics and artists, disciplined forces, and foreign heads of state.
The editorial incorrectly states that cabinet ministers have also been less visible, and are not given the opportunity to respond to issues that fall under their respective ministries. Dr. Ashni Singh was singled out for mention; yet, only days ago, the same Dr. Ashni Singh was the one who penned a detailed response to Georgetown Mayor Ubraj Narine, who made some charges of underfunding. The record shows that while Newsroom, INews Guyana, and Guyana Chronicle (among others) carried Dr. Singh’s response, Kaieteur News chose to publish a letter by so-called elder Hamilton Green, in which Minister Singh’s response was attacked (see “PPP using tricks and propaganda,” KN, June 13, 2023).
I can assure Kaieteur News that President Ali and Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh do not need any reminders of the offices they hold, or how to go about their daily business of governing this country. As for their visibility, allow me to reproduce a post from Facebook that went up only hours ago. Here is the text : “Last evening, in the presence of President Dr Irfaan Ali, Senior Finance Minister Dr. Ashni K. Singh signed a financing agreement on behalf of the Government of Guyana, with the European Commission for the protection and restoration of Guyana’s mangrove forests, at State House. Signing on behalf of the European Commission was its First Vice President, Mr. Frans Timmermans.”
And just in case we need an image to prove the point, look below:

No one in the PPP/C Administration should go to this extent to set the record straight, but given Kaieteur News’ persistent efforts at attempting to split the PPP leadership, we do have to go to this ridiculous level.
A counternarrative on the street about Vice President Jagdeo’s visibility should be of great interest. Many have heard it before, but it is worth repeating; namely, that someone at Kaieteur News is intensely worked-up about Jagdeo’s popularity and about his fine working relationship with President Ali. For the record, I can tell you that during press conferences, Vice President Jagdeo routinely defers to President Ali when there are questions that should be properly directed to the Head of State.
Numerous attempts have been made to split the PPP/C leadership. They have all failed, and so will this latest attempt via an editorial.

Dr Randolph