Dear Editor,
Once again, Guyana is at a crossroads in the March 2020 elections, and is slowly becoming a failed state, like Somalia. After several court cases, a complete recount, more cases, several attempts to declare the results, sanctions, a hearing with the OAS, and more court cases, it is clear without a doubt that the APNU/AFC will not concede. As a matter of fact, their peculiar position was documented in a press release dated July 22, 2020.
Juxtapose this against the positions taken by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), all other political parties, the observers, the courts, and the international community, as summarised below, and we undoubtedly have significant conflicts that must be strategised and resolved.
The incumbent’s Machiavellian strategy: to create doubt in the electoral process, subvert the will of the people, and use bullyism to get what they want, will neither be tolerated by the Guyanese people nor in modern day democracy. Over the course of more than 4 months, every conceivable narrative and manifestation of lies has been used as a delaying tactic, and it has been an uphill battle to bring resolution to these matters. But the end to this phase is hopefully in sight, with the fighters for democracy forging ahead with the implementation of key strategic solutions.
Warmest regards,
Bibi Ramdayal