Home Letters Authoritarian takeover violates Constitution of Guyana
Dear Editor,
The unlawful control of the Berbice Bridge by the Granger Government is dead wrong. It is shortsighted to think that it is not. Such an authoritarian takeover violates the Constitution of Guyana and it stands to discourage investors. This can never be the right approach to reject a proposed fare hike. Government should never abuse its power in such a manner to arrive at decisions when it has options to negotiate. Negotiating with investors of the Bridge would have been the right approach to take. This saga highlights the fact that the PNC/APNU/AFC Government does not know how to lead.
And who will pay the price for all this insanity? It is the people of this country because investors will not come here. This will in turn contribute to income inequality and poverty, among other problems. Therefore, Government did not help Guyanese in any way by abusing its power to trample investors in an undemocratic takeover of the Bridge. In fact, its decision hurts Guyanese and it can only be explained as political and stupid.
Dereck Singh