Authoritative leaders should not pre-arm the nation with follies for legitimate missives

Dear Editor,
As the names, faces, appointments and portfolios are announced, there are a variety of expressions of deep consternations, denunciations, suspicions, reservations, recommendations, acclamations and exclamations being pronounced across the board and on both sides of the fence, objectively and subjectively. Guyanese share mixed reactions, both positive and negative, appreciating, accepting, refusing and criticizing, as they vent their feelings and opinions, including, surprise, disappointment, approval, admiration, dislike, disgust, regret, sorrow, outrage, skepticism, neutrality and prejudice. The accolades and condemnations as elucidated by various enthusiasts simply reflect how favorable anxious Guyanese are to flavor their interpretations with variety, contingent upon knowledge, history, experience, performance, anticipation and projection. Of course, how credible, accurate and pertinent or imprecise, lenient and erroneous these predictions and predicaments are, remain inconclusive and only time will tell if ventilated with opportunity. But they are vociferous if not authoritative and are not scandalous nor presumptuous. One stigma that is of great concern and constantly echoed as a recurring sore thumb is the shared commonality of “baggage carriers!” Understandably, there is a dire need for seasoned performers as a default retreat for educated guidance and discipline, but, why revisit a minefield that can again become explosive with confrontations and an affront to administrative vanity, curried with nepotism and cronyism? Both parties can ill afford this dangerous and slanderous engagement and pursue remedial alternative that promises the freshness of cleanliness with quality and quantity. Are these preconceived attitudes too hostile in nature and uncomfortable for entertainment or too judgmental in premeditation? Should remorse lend consideration for a second chance placement and possible reparation? Yet the dissents should not cease compatibility and create the entrance of complacency that may maximize the contempt and accusation, zoning into possible error, mistake, collusion, corruption, illegality and in-transparency. One should not rule out an open mind nor ignore a blind eye approach. This is essentially applicable to both sides of the divide. Prevention is always better than cure and thus, authoritative leaders should not pre-arm the nation with follies for legitimate missives but rather condescending towards a leniency for taking pride in good governance as their eager epistles.
Will the APNU/AFC Party function as a past entity or will they metamorphose into yet another innovation and again create disguised imitation of duplication? The coalition will perhaps fade into dissolution from an elimination process, trying to pretend an aloofness and submerged in a thick cloud, only to re-emerge as a knight in shining armor but trapped in a dusty uniform. Regardless, the sum total of their inglorious and infamous carry-forward will again be their opening brought-forward balance and cannot depreciate but will appreciate due to the consolidation of the nescient bankruptcy that cannot qualify for any write-off allowance. What goes around does comes around and this idiom will stymie the characteristics of honesty and integrity in this nefarious case. How will those guilty ones qualify to debate with bravado and a straight face the government’s governance and accountability when they themselves are saddled with humongous corruptions? Will they dare challenge their own miscreants when these matters will surface for scrutiny in parliament or will they be forced to walk out and save face and embarrassment? In actuality, only the joinder seat can forcefully and respectfully represent the legitimate right to question and query such audited reports when they will arrive for discussion. Even though the personnel may be a new face, it is that very opposition party that remains guilty of fraud and misappropriation and will be on the receiving end instead of the forefront to lead the attack. They will have to adequately supply the much-needed answers which will be in great demand. This bridge over troubled water is dangling loosely in the minds of fiddlers who are certainly far away from the roof and would perhaps preferred to be journeying on “The Orient Express,” but even that is contaminated with criminality, driven by a “sanctimonious gangster.” Chances are, nice and spicy choices are limited and soon, “In the Heat of the Night” will be playing to packed audiences and dancers will have to face the music. The rhythm will be an uncontrolled beat accompanied by a melody that will not be harmonious.
The APNU/AFC Party has left the door wide open and will expose their fragility with one of their weaknesses, the lack of character for honesty and integrity. This will continue to haunt them for years to come and it is a stained blemish that remains on the conspicuous surface that will be a hall mark for ridicule and attack. With the coming of so many forensic audits, the reports will be uncomfortable for discussion and debate. There will be no recourse and the cry of shame will reverberate with a deafening echo. The honorable attorney general, the auditor general, the revenue commissioner and the police commissioner do have sleepless nights ahead to deal with all the humongous unraveling that threatens to reveal all the illegitimate transactions from the previous administration. Good luck, the chosen few will need it.

Jai Lall